11. Hope

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Author: Tell me two truths and a lie.

Faith: The world sucks. The only people that care about you are the ones closest to you. I hate everyone that's ever tried to command me.

~Faith Jennings.


I was eating Chinese crisscrossed on my bed when I felt the urgent need to puke. I had never felt so disgusted before, I had remembered myself eating salad in the morning and I felt the need to vomit.

I had ran out of my bedroom and to my bathroom. I went straight to the sink and vomitted out the contents in my stomach. I stared at the sink awkwardly as I turned the tap on.

I couldn't even make it to the toilet.

Great. Absolutely great.

I washed myself up and left my room to throw out the Chinese I had ordered, I knew I should have ordered pizza, or even better, made pancakes.

I washed my hands finding the water against my skin comforting.

I had never felt so odd before, like something was wrong but I couldn't put my hand on it.

Sabrina and Georgia had bugged me this past few days, trying to take me shopping, getting my nails done and even had me book to get my hair curled- something I was capable of doing myself.

They wanted tomorrow to be perfect and apparently it wasn't actually a high school reunion, it was more of a good-bye for now and a see you in the next few years.

Not a high school reunion.

I had barely had time to eat anything other than salad. Sabrina was on a strict diet and had dragged me into it when we went shopping earlier. She had ordered only the healthiest-I had scoffed at this-, most expensive, and meatless (yes I mean no form of meat) meal I had ever seen.

I wasn't sure how I felt about that, Gorgia did not mind at all, in fact she looked at me oddly like I was the one ruining appetites.

Now she had ruined mine for life.

I wiped my mouth with a paper napkin after I had rinsed it and left the bathroom.

I was in my Hello kitty pyjamas by almost six in the evening. Garrett was not home yet so our movie night was on hold and Lacey would come home soon to apparently tell me some news.

News I was sure was not going to be good.

I yawned and stretched, then relaxed once again. I had been unproductive throughout today, doing nothing except following Sabrina in uncomfortably high heels and listening to her gossip as she occasionally forgot she was meant to be shopping for new clothes and focused more on getting more make-up to her already enormous pile.

I mean, just for her stash of make-up she had a room specially for it and it was as large as my living room. And her carefully setting it up in her make-up room it made me feel like I was living in another continent.

Her parents were that rich.

They were the type of people that only had one kid but had ten bedrooms in their house. Literally.

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