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Thank you all for the reads:)) I am gonna do this extra chapter ❤️ Also major fluff 🥺 I loved writing this.

The sun showing through the curtains had awoken Jimin. His hair was all over the place his stomach was protruding out. It's not a surprise he was 7 months pregnant already, with their second child.

Jeongguk lay still , his face cuddled in the pillows. When Jimin got up gguk reached his arm out as if he was looking for the smaller, but didn't wake.  The very pregnant male wobbled out of the room as he was now a professional at doing quietly.

Their son akeno had barely turned a year old. Once Jimin had the child Jeongguk obviously got back to work on him, not caring if he got pregnant again. Which obviously he did. Luckily for him jeongguk has been taking care of akeno well because he wanted Jimin to get much rest this time around.

The smaller walked into his sons room and the small boy was sitting there with his blanket playing with his feet. As soon as akeno saw Jimin he grew the biggest smile ever and started cheerfully to attempt in standing . Akeno could not walk yet but he could crawl very well, and is close to the idea of walking.

"Hey baby" Jimin was using his cute tone that he uses to talk to his cute son. Akeno was super excited and kept screaming In joy. Awaiting his momma to pick him up. "You want to go wake up daddy?" Jimin lifted the small boy into his arms as he clutched onto his mommas arms.

Jimin walked back down to his bedroom and opened the door he left cracked. Jeongguk of course was still sleeping his hair was wild and his shirt was nearly choking him. The sight made Jimin giggle a bit.

The small boy placed akeno down at the foot of the bed and let him crawl over his dad. Jeongguk groaned as he felt small hands grabbing ahold of his face and hair. "Akeno" he wrapped his large arms over the boy and pulled him down so he was laying next to him. The baby let out a scream of excitement.

"Baby wake up.. I'm going to cook " this got both boys attention. The taller sat up and akeno sat next to him playing with his large fingers. Jeongguk smiled as he watched his very pregnant man get up and waddle over to the window. He opened the curtains to let in the light from outside.

"Ahhh I'm a vampire" Jeongguk shielded his and his sons eyes. There was no doubt in Jimin mind that akeno had gotten all his looks from his father.  The boy had jeans big doe eyes and round nose. The only thing he seemed to have gotten of Jimins was his little cheeks.

Jeongguk got up for, the bed and came over to where Jimin was standing. He kissed the boys nose then gave him a hug. "How about me and akeno help you?" The male put his hands against the sides of jimins tummy. "We can be of use" the small boy was trying to put his feet inside his mouth as his parents talked.

"Okay" Jimin smiled then started towards the door. The taller scooped up his son and trailed, making sure Jimin was stable enough while walking down the stairs. Once they reached the bottom Jimin was a little pot of breath. "Are you okay, love?" Jeongguk put a loving hand on the smaller back. "Yes" he smiled once the air had returned to his body.

"What should we make?" Jeongguk questioned while the three of them entered the kitchen. "What do you boys want?" Jeongguk set akeno down on the table and sat down in front of him on a chair. " how about some pancakes" jeon was talking I'm his baby voice he uses when his attention is directed toward his son.

The small boy squealed his hands reaching for his dads.. " then it's settled" jeongguk got all the ingredients out for Jimin . He then proceeded to help his lover after putting akeno in his high chair. "Babe sit and tell me what to do. I'll do it" the smaller frowned.

He has felt bad for not doing much around the house and really wanted to make breakfast for them. "Please let me make it" Jimin had puppy eyes on, the ones jeongguk couldn't resist. "Fine fine"

The taller let Jimin mix the ingredients together and make the batter. Jeon helped make the pancakes on the stove, his coming out deformed of course. But pancakes are still pancakes.

After all was done all the boys sat and ate the delicious breakfast Jimin had prepared, with the help of the taller of course. "Thank you for the food, love" jeongguk literally inhaled the food. The male always ate Jimins food that way so it was no surprise to him. The taller was feeding their son small amounts of syrup filled pancakes.

"Don't give him too much gguk. It's not good for him to have a lot" the boy nodded and flashed a smile at Jimin. " do you want to go out today ? Like shopping? I know it's been awhile and you do love shopping." Jeon suggested since it was his day off he figured he could leave their baby boy with him for a small amount of time so he and Jimin could get alone time for a little.

"Yes I want too! It's been a while since I've been out of this house." Jimin smiled he was super happy to go out and by himself and his babies new clothes. "Go get dressed love I will get akeno ready and call him to see if him and join could do us a favor"

Jimin quickly stood up and carefully rushed up the stairs. All while he was showering and dressing jeongguk called Jin and the man said he would love to take care of akeno for a while. Jin has been wanting a baby but has yet to have one.

Jeongguk got akeno dressed really quickly then rushed and threw on the on,y clean pants he had with a white shirt. They all soon set off once everything was situated in the house.

The sun was out but it wasn't too sunny. The wind was blowing at a decent breeze keeping it cool enough to actually want to be outside. Once they pulled up to Jim's jeongguk got out and rushed to take the baby inside, which he had no trouble because akeno loves his jinnie.

Jeon was driving them to Jimins favorite store. It was a clothing store that the boy has always shopped in and hasn't for a while. Once they arrived the boys looked around the store. Jimin bought many different things such as clothing for himself and akeno. He also picked out some girl blankets for their little girl that's coming soon.

Jeongguk was very satisfied with the trip. All he wanted was to see his baby happy looking at whatever it was he wanted to see. The entire time the male just admired his lover, fro, his baby bump to the way he would get excited when he saw something that caught his attention.

Once they finally made it out of the store jeon took Jimin to the place were they had their first date. Jim's cafe, the male owned it still but didn't work anymore because he didn't have too. When they arrived both sat in the same spot that they did that night, the night they met.

Jimin was blushing at the way jeongguk was staring at him. He was in awe and was so happy his life turned out in such a wonderful way. He was once an antisocial kid who never thought he would meet someone. He thought he was meant to die alone but he won't.

"I love you" jeongguk said while watching Jimin eat a piece of pie. The boy smiled his mouth full of food making his cheeks swell up. It was so adorable. "Let's go get akeno and go home" Jimin stood "I super tired" the male said while leaning on the taller.

Jeongguk kissed his head and escorted him out. He was by far the most lucky man in the world and couldn't wait until his new baby joined this loving family.

Let me know what you think!,

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