Chapter 3: The world of crescentless moon

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The moon is full meaning it's whole, which shouldn't be possible, because most of it is destroyed by mouse experiment leaving only it's crescent.

Nagisa now understands the situation.

'I am too far from home....Oh no' he says to himself and leans to his hands covering his face.

'What do I do?' Nagisa tells and sinks deeper to his hands while despair is starting to crushing his will or what's left of it, when while leaning forward Nagisa's backpack hits painfully on his rip waking Nagisa from self-pity.

'Koro sensei's book. Yes, I can't yet give up when I haven't even tried. Let's begin thinking.. what would Koro sensei say in this situation?' Nagisa ponders until he get's grip of himself and straightens his back. He starts speaking aloud.

"*cough, cough* Nu fufufufuuu! Nagisa-kun, you can't even solve this problem? Well how do you usually solve problems?"Nagisa imitates Koro sensei perfectly and starts continue conversation.

"Well by cutting it into pieces, Koro sensei." Then he understands.

"Wait that's it! I just need to cut in into smaller pieces just like math problem or similar problems. Okay that was embarrassingly easy." Nagisa laughs to himself while little by little climbing out of pit of despair

'Thank you sensei! But how do I cut it into pieces, well firstly what are my priorities .' Nagisa started to think while eating his bread at same time. Soon Nagisa had very basic plan.


1. survive

2. found a way back home


Maybe little too basic.

'First priority is simple survive. This includes food, drink, house and other basic needs, and surviving is most important because, well I will die and that would be bad.

Problem is I don't have astronomically money so I need to get more and stable place to live is big problem because I don't have official papers and I am underage.' Nagisa explains while taking koro sensei's "book" out.

Book was massive and it had hard red cover. Koro sensei wrote every student of class 3-E their own with useful information for rest of their life and each book was individual. For example Karma, a Nagisa's friend, got one with hints and tips for politics and bureaucratic, while Kayato got book related to acting and so on.

Nagisa's book was specialized to being a teacher and things related being a assassin. Nagisa had plans to become a teacher, but he still wanted to develop his talent of being an assassin. The assassin part of the book could help a lot with the second priority.

'Find a way back home.' Truthfully Nagisa wasn't even sure how to start to put this one into pieces. He pondered this until came to one absolute conclusion.

'I need information. I don't know anything about this world expect around here peoples talk japanese, yen has less worth and year is 2224. 

'It isn't much so I should try find more.'

Nagisa gets up and walks back to peoples and starts asking how to get to the closest library. 

It's not like you can just ask basic questions like 'what is the history of this world', 'in which city we are currently' or 'how do I act like I am part of this world while really I am a lizard person' without raising some eyebrows. Also Nagisa prefers keeping low profile at least before he knows more about this world.

He soon got the directions from nice couple and moves fast towards the library. Library was ordinary, if two headed librarian isn't counted.

Nagisa looked for far corner and took a seat before unwinding, because he know 'This will take a while'

'Better to re-read the newspaper' And after reading a while he started to come across totally strange words and concepts. Words like 'hero' and 'villain' were self-explanatory, but terms like 'UA', 'quirks' and 'hero society'.

He would have used the internet to research terms, but he didn't have access to one so library must do.

And so hours went by and Nagisa only took rest to get some more food before continuing, but even after using full day researching this world he only felt like he had scratched the surface.

'I underestimate a job of learning a full culture in a afternoon. I believed it would only require learning meaning of words and some history, but there is so much to it.

Still the biggest problem is I don't know what is important and highly talked in this society.'

'Well at least I comprehend what heroes and villains mean in this world. Simply put heroes are just special part police that is run by different hero companies. Heroes also seem to work as emergency service and usually they are first on the scene whatever it's a robbing or a car crash.' Nagisa reflects and continues pondering.

'Villain instead are just criminals that use their quirks illegally. Also this means most of the criminals are villains.'

'Heroes vs villains. How cliche.' And small grin creeps to Nagisa's face. He might not acknowledge it aloud, but he is extremely excited of superhero society where good and evil fight for control.

Well this childish fantasy was over as soon he remembered how two faced his own world governments are. 

'I should be careful dealing with government, because if they catch me they might use me for experiments or something. But still I might also get help from them, if I tell who I am.'

'No I shouldn't take risk yet. It's better to learn more before I make that choice.' Because Nagisa believed koro sensei would do the same. 

'Also scientists are likely more interested of knowing how he got to this world, than how to sent him back.'

So Nagisa moved to next problem the quirks, the so called superpowers of this world. 

He had already asked for books related to quirks from librarian. He got the book and also an inquiring stare from other of the two heads. 

'It was a mistake to just ask something that obvious. Luckily man didn't ask more.' He sighed out of relief, but Nagisa still got the answers to his question.

' 'quirk is a special, superhuman ability an individual can possess. Quirks are generally unique to their user, and are classified in these categories; Emitter, Transformation, and Mutant.' That's lot to take in, but simply but everyone has a superpower.' Nagisa pondered as he continued reading.

' 'Emitter-type Quirks have the ability to either release certain substances, or alter materials around them in certain ways' if I understand right this means creating explosions and manipulating electricity for example'

' 'Transformation-type Quirks cause the user to take on a temporary alteration of some kind. They also mainly affect the user only expect recovery.' This includes hardening or changing size of ones body.'

' 'Mutant-type Quirks can have a wide variety of features and abilities depending on the individual, but the common similarity seems to be that these Quirks are a part of the user's physicality.' These types of quirks are, if I understand, passive meaning they are always on.'

'These explain why this world looks so strange' He reflected and started to write down in notebook he bought while going second time shopping.'

But Nagisa soon started to realize the main problem. 'What should I exactly know?'

'Everything would so much easier, if I can just ask these from someone. *sight*' Nagisa yawns when suddenly he gets a new idea and subconsciously gets up.

'I can just ask!'


Thanks for reading and have a nice day/night.

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