Still Having Fun, Still No Drama

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"Oh my god, watch your big ass feet!" Sarah pushed Grant's legs off of her lap.

Liam had one hand on his steering wheel, one on my thigh.

Charlotte yelled the GPS directions from the backseat, "Turn left."

We could barely hear her over Grant and Sarah arguing.


Liam slung the steering wheel to the left, sending Grant into the backseat window.

"Okay, in 3.6 miles we turn right and then the house will be on the left."

Liam looked over at me for a split second with a smile, "You okay?"

I nod, "I'm fine."

"Fine means not okay," he adjusted the system to play music in the rear speakers, "What's wrong?"

I placed my hand on top of his, "I just don't think this is right...."

"You don't think what is right?"

"This," I pointed to the backseat, "We are literally stalking someone."

He laughed, "Think of it as investigation, not stalking. I think it's nice for all of us to hang out and it not be an issue for once."

I nod, "Yeah, it has been pretty cool."

He squeezed my hand, "Just relax and have fun with our friends, please?"

"Okay," I took a deep breath, "But no one is kicking no ones ass."

He sucked the inside of his cheek making a concerned face, "No promises, but effort will be shown."

"Did your mom teach you that?"

He laughed, "My dad actually, why?"

I shake my head, "Sarah said the exact same thing about Rebekah."

His grin grew, "I guess it's just the White blood in us, is that a deal breaker?"

Sarah jumped into the front area, "Are we almost there?"

"TURN RIGHT!" Charlotte yelled from the back.

Liam spun the steering wheel to the right, taking us onto a side road, "Are you sure this is it?"

Charlotte took a second to answer, "One hunnnned percent, bro." 

"What is the house number again?"

I chimed in, "3145."

Liam read the mailbox numbers as we drove down the road, "3087....3091....3105...3117....3126...Getting closer....3139...3144..."

The jeep slowed down as we approached 3145, two cars were in the driveway and the exterior lights were on.

"Are you sure this is it?" Liam observed the small white house amongst the poor subdivision.

"3145, that's it."

I pointed to a for sale sign three houses down, "Go park in that drieway."

We came to a complete stop and the engine died, Grant leaned forward, wrapping his arm around my head rest, "Now what? Who is going to go knock on the door?"

Sarah raised her hand, "Let me do it, and then I can punch her in the face when she opens the door."

I turn to face the back seat, "We don't even know for sure that this is their house."

"SHUT UP!" Charlotte waves her hands as she yells, looking out the back window.

We all get very quiet, looking through the closest window.

Charlotte took it upon herself to give us all a play by play, "Someone just walked outside....and now they are walking to the car.....OH! It's the woman from the photo," she wiped the window in a circle with her shirt sleeve, "OH OH OH OH someone else is walking outside."

Liam leaned to the side, "Who?"

It became silent for several seconds, before Charlotte spoke, "You guys..."

Sarah sat up straight, "What?"

"You guys...."


"You guys..."

Sarah smacked the shit out of Charlotte's arm, "For fuck's sake, WHAT?"

Charlotte frowned, rubbing her arm, "I saw Roman walking to the other car."

Liam rubbed the back of his neck, "Wait, that car is leaving. Is that the one he got into?"

She squinted, "Yeah that's him."

He turned the key then shifted the jeep into gear.

"Now, this is stalking."

Liam sped up following the car Roman had gotten into.

He grinned, "Still having fun, still no drama."

The car in front of us took a right turn, and we followed close behind.

"Are we just going to follow him to wherever he goes next?" Grant attempted to stretch, but it was cut short when Liam slammed on his brakes.

Roman's car took a hard left and parked in an alley behind the old night club outside of downtown.

"Holy shit, Rebekah isn't the stripper... Roman is!" Charlotte held her jaw open as she finished her sentence.

I felt my stomach start to tie in knots, "I think we should leave."

"No way!" Grant pat my shoulders.

Liam parked the jeep across from the alley, killing the lights.

"We can't go in there." I begged Liam with my eyes.

"I don't even know what is in that building now. Do you?" Liam looked at Sarah.

She shook her head, "Nope, but I can go find out."

"Keep your ass in that seat, if anybody gets out of this's me."

"WAIT!" Charlotte shhhhh's us all, pointing to the car.

Roman and an older man exit the building carrying bags to the trunk of the car.

"What the fuck is happening?" Grant pushes my head to the side to get a better view.

"Oh my god, do you think those are drugs? Or guns? Or money? Oh my god, I am so glad I wore my vest!"

Sarah puts her hand over Char's mouth, "Seriously, shut up."

Liam squints, "I don't know for sure, but they are definitely lumpy."

I have my hands covering my eyes completely, "Can we please go home?"

We all drop silent as the older man points to the jeep, and Roman's attention moves to us.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." Liam reaches to turn the key.

A few words are exchanged between Roman and the older man before he starts walking towards the jeep.

"Oh fuck." Liam turns the key, starting the engine.

Roman picks up speed as Liam shifts into gear, spinning tires.

The older man draws his gun, pointing it straight at us.


Charlotte screams, pulling Sarah into the floorboard. Liam shoves me down with his right hand, steering with his left. I close my eyes as tight as I can, feeling the jeep speed.

My heart stops at the sound of gunfire.

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