Chapter 4| Pondering Thoughts

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(A/N: At this point, it's the Summer with the Butlers' sidestory. I won't go into too much detail about the training since it's pretty similar to the sidestory.)

   We ended up finishing the butlers' training around 3 in the afternoon. The first butler I evaluated was Claude. He had trouble showing emotion like any human would. We ended up going to a nearby cafe that I was planning on taking my dad at some point, but we ended up encountering some guy that was invading my personal space. Claude managed to protect me and ran the guy off.

   Next, I evaluated Luke. He had trouble with communication. He was having a tough time communicating with the head chef, but we managed to negotiate with him and everything worked out.

   Next, I evaluated Alberto who struggled in understanding young people's lingo. Since I'm an 18 year old and understand young people language, I had to speak to him like I was a young teenager, and explain the terms for him to understand them. It was really fun talking like a valley girl.

   Next, I evaluated Yu who lacked in cooking. I knew right from the start that he struggled with that, because back in the day, he would make something for me and I had to pretend to like it even though it wasn't that great. I had figured out that he wasn't taking his time with it, and improved drastically when he took his time. He promised me he would cook stuff for me whenever I visited.

   Next, I evaluated Jan who was the "perfect" butler, perhaps a little too perfect. It took a minute to figure out what he lacked, but it turns out that he had to take it easy and remember who he was serving besides Prince Joshua.

   Lastly, I evaluated Louis who lacked in the bodyguard area. There were actors who pretended to put my life in danger, and he had to do his best to protect me. In conclusion, we all found a solution to their lack of skill, each passing their training.

   I handed the filled out evaluation sheets over to Zain. "Here you are."

   "Thank you. And here's your payment."

   I tilted my head as Zain handed me an envelope. "Payment?" I opened the envelope and saw the paycheck. My eyes just about popped out of my head. "This is like 60 paychecks worth! Maybe even more!"

   "You have worked before, Lady Kendall?"

   "I had a couple freelance jobs like babysitting and dog walking as well as having some part time jobs later on like housekeeping and making deliveries. My parents wanted to teach me how to be more independent, so I got taught lots of things."

   "You're a hard worker at such a young age."

"Thank you." I looked at the paycheck once more. "Are you sure I can have this? It's a lot and I feel bad for earning this much over simple training."

   "You worked hard so you've earned it fair and square."

   "I really do appreciate it, but I can't accept this much."

   Zain looked surprised. "Will you not really accept it?"

   "I rather have this money go to something that's beneficial like a charity, an orphanage, or even an animal shelter."

   Zain still looked surprised as well as the other butlers. Looking unsure of what to do, he ended up taking the paycheck from me. "Very well. Whichever foundation you decide to donate this to, I shall do it."

   "Thank you so much, Zain."

   Yu went over towards me with a smile. "Still have a heart of gold, I see."

   "It's red just like everyone else's."

   "And you still always respond back with smart remarks."

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