37: promises

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...holding their wands aloft...

The others were still soundly asleep because all the other doors to the rooms were closed and Fred, George and Kate made their way slowly towards the door. The silhouette of a man coming more into view making Fred and George push Kate behind themselves protectively as they advanced towards the outline of a man now coming more into view and the three of them swiftly raised their wands throwing spells in opposite directions.

"Petrificus Totalus!"


The four of them ducked just in time causing the spells to collide and create a loud bang making the others groggily come out of their bedrooms, wands clutched in their hands.
"Thomas! What - what are you doing here?" Kate said when she had recovered, still holding her wand firmly while Tom stood up, now more illuminated when the lights had turned on. Kate lowered her wand and instantly wrapped her arms around him who did the same although still flabbergasted while Fred and George exchanged glances.
"What're you doing here?"
"-what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in America"
"Trina, I was so stupid and it took me so long to realise. I shouldn't have been there, I should have been here with you"

For a second, Kate just stared at him as she held him at arm's length and looked back at George who was now beginning to lower his wand.
"Well, about time" she said airily making Tom smile and then his eyes landed on everyone else standing behind her and confusion spread all over his face.
"We were attacked and we needed refuge" Kate explained when she noticed the look on his face, "and I brought them here because we couldn't think of anywhere else"
"Good" Tom murmured and detached himself to meet the others, it was only when he reached Lionel that they both gave each other curt nods and handshakes. Mr Weasley yawned wide and with his arm wrapped around Mrs Weasley went back inside the room, Fred stretched his arms and did the same followed by George just a few seconds later while Kate stayed behind for a bit to talk to her cousin.
"We'll talk in the morning. Promise, I won't leave" Tom reassured her while holding her face between his hands.
"I'm glad you're back" she said softly before hugging him then going off to bed herself.

Things felt a lot better with Tom around minus the occasional tension between him and Lionel Anthony for some very odd reason that seemed to persist but they both were quite nonchalant about it. Kate felt much more in control but also loosened and relieved at the same time for the time being however, the basement was beginning to get colder, the ground outside was beginning to get covered with freshly fallen snow and the lake had already frozen into a thin sheet of ice. Kate had decided to take a stroll near the lake and as she did so, her snowy owl, Archimedes had merrily soared towards her and landed on her shoulder, nipping her ear affectionately making her chuckle.

"I've missed you, too, Archs. Afraid, I don't have any letters to send" she added when the owl had held out his toe in hopes of receiving a letter to deliver but there was none and Kate couldn't risk sending one to anyone for the time being. As she was about to start walking again, she heard a low rustling from one of the nearby bushes and instinctively looked back to see that the barn was well out of view. More rustling was heard and she pulled out her wand, ready to strike at whoever or whatever was about to come into view. The rustling began to grow louder and closer, Kate's eyes darted everywhere till they focused on where it was coming from and aimed her wand then cried, "Stupefy!"

The sound of the heavy thump indicated that there had, in fact, been someone lurking around as she moved towards the bush cautiously towards the person she had Stunned only to realise that it was Lee Jordan; the familiar dark-skinned, Gryffindor boy who was Fred and George's best friend.
"Lee?" Kate lowered her wand before unStunning him and helping him to his feet as he brushed himself off.
"Blimey, Kate", he exhaled, "good to see you, too"
"Sorry about that. Are you alone?"
"-yes, I am"
"Let's get you inside"

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