Meeting the volleyball team

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Classes have already finished, and I'm on my way to the volleyball gym. How did this happened, well I was having a peaceful day.
My classes had just ended and I was putting my things on my bag, until I heard a knock on the door. "Come in" the teacher said. The door opens to the most cute, handsome boy ever. And that of course is Oikawa, just kidding I don't simp for doors. I'm talking about Shirabu, I wish I could talk to him, but I don't want for him to think I'm weird so I can't just come out of nowhere and be like 'hi shirabu, I'm l/n y/n I have gone to some of your games and find hot' I'd rather yeet myself out the window. "Hey, l/n-San would you like to be manager of the volleyball team?" A he's so cute I love him.. wait what. I can't say no to him, he's just to perfect. "Yes" "thanks, then see you at practice."
Flashback ends
And here I am, wait now that I recall it he called me by my name(last name to be specific). I squeal "he knows my name!" "Calm down y/n he probably asked the teacher or something, it's not like he knows everything about you." Or does he that would be a dream. Welp I'm at the gym and they all present theirselves. The coach tells Shirabu to explain me what I have to do as a manager, and he does so.
Shirabu's POV
She's such a nice person, I really enjoy spending time with her it makes me feel weird, warm I don't know why. This feeling is annoying "that was all, I'll be leaving." Ugh, your so stupid Kenjiro, you should really stop being so rude to people. (Obviously meaning you) "Uh, Shirabu-San. I was thinking, and I kind of want to get to know better the team... a-and since you are already with me, m-maybe we could get to u-um know each other..." I'd really like that. "Uhm, only if you are okay with that of course. I didn't meant to sound pushy or anything I'm so sorry!" I want to say yes, but why do I feel so nervous. "I have to get to my dorm, but uhm I guess we could talk. And I could walk you to your dorm or something." "Yes" "Kenjiro-kun stop flirting with our manager."  "I'm not flirting with l/n-San Tendo-senpai." I look at l/n-San and see her blushing, "l/n-senpai, are you okay you're red." "U-uh it-it's okay Goshiki-kun, d-don't worry. Y-you should go have dinner, I don't want any of you to skip any meal. You need energy to practice volleyball." She stutters a lot it's cute, stop that. "You stutter a lot, stop. It's annoying." It's so cute, why did I tell her to stop . And her face looks so cute when it's blushing, I want to take a photo of her blushing and make it my wallpaper. Wait what, no I don't. Why would I want to see her face whenever I look at my phone.

If I'm free, it'll be because of you. (Shirabuxreader)Where stories live. Discover now