The best lie

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Might trigger people, but this is a bit important. You can still skip it tho.
(Y/N)'s POV
It was lunch time, "hi guys how are you?" "Good." "Fine" "what about you?" "I had a good day." We were eating in silence until one decided to speak. "So, (L/N). We don't know much about you. Have you ever played volleyball?" I look down to my hands which were no in my lap. "Yes, I used to." "Why did you stop?" "Oh, it's a long story. I don't think it's that interesting really."
Shirabu's POV
She looks sad, maybe I should change the topic. I don't like seeing her sad. "Don't worry, I'm sure it is quite interesting." Idiot, that stupid bowl cut brat. "Oh, well. When I was in middle school I got bullied cause I was (tall/short) and I got distracted whenever I played volleyball, so I obviously joined the team. I played (position), and was really good at it, but on my third year a new girl joined. She played my position, and one day they changed benched me. She got my position. I started practicing more, so I could go back to my position. I didn't realize that I wasn't having fun anymore. The problem was that ever since I was in elementary school my knees popped a lot. One day I was practicing hard as always ever since the girl took my place, but suddenly my right knee popped and I felt a bad pain in my whole leg. I fell, my knee broke. I tried to go and reach my phone to call mom, but I couldn't. Out of all that had already happened, while I was crying the girl that took my position came to the gym. She was the one who called an ambulance. I couldn't even do that, she did it. I can't practice sports because of my knees, because they got hurt because of me practicing so hard. Well, I can practice but only a bit without putting much effort. So I couldn't join the team cause if I did. I'd be nothing but a burden, holding my teammates back. I couldn't do that. I still practiced a bit without people knowing, actually first time me and Shirabu spoke he asked me why I was in the music room. I couldn't tell him that I entered the gym without anyone knowing, and stayed in the music room playing the flute while I waited. I told him that I lost track of time while playing the flute." So she lied to me. That's rude. "Sorry about lying Shirabu." (They stopped using honorifics with time) "It's fine." "Are you sure? That means our first interaction was based on a lie." "It's fine. That lie got us a manager." "True."
A/N: how did that go, did you like the chapter? Getting to know about (Y/N)'s past. Quite interesting. I wonder what happened with her love life in middle school? 😈 you'll have to stay to find out ñihihi.

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