Getting to know each other

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This might trigger some people since it mentions blood. Nothing too important will happen here. You just hit yourself with a wall.
This is a dream, walking with the boy you like. You're getting to know each other, he's walking you to your dorm. He actually knows your name *mentally sighs* "Shirabu-San?" "Hm?" His so cute UwU (hi, sorry to interrupt but I will put weird faces like that one so you can imagina what your face looks like or something) "what would you like to talk about?" That's a stupid question, why? Why Y/N? Why did you have to ask that when you told him you wanted to get to know him because of volleyball? "I don't know" I'm not good at making conversations, this is awkward. I look at him, he's so handsome and c- *plaff* "Uf" (plaff is the sound of when you crash) "L/N-San! Are you okay!?" I'm so stupid, "yeah I'm fine, don't worry." "L-L/N-San, are you sure?, your nose is bleeding." This is so embarrassing =w= "no it's not." "L/N-San, what kind of lie was that. There's blood on your face and shirt." I look down at my shirt. Shoot, I don't mind others' blood, but mine. I look with wide eyes. Watching the blood on my shirt sent shivers down my spine and next thing I knew, I passed out."
Shirabu's POV (cause you passed out)
"L/N-San?" Did she just pass out? What do I do? (Hide the body ñihihi) should I take her to her dorm?, which 'is' her dorm? I don't want to look at her stuff so I don't have her keys either. Should I take her to my dorm? And put her were?, I need my bed. And she'll probably stain my sheets with blood. I should really think of something. I grab my phone and deal Ushijima-senpai's number. "Hi, do you need something." "U-uhm, Ushijima-senpai. L/N-San just passed out while we were walking" I hear Tendo's laugh in the back. (Are Tendo and Ushijima roommates, cause I think so but I'm not sure. Doesn't matter they are roommates now.) "How did she pass out?" How 'did' she pass out? "I'm not sure." "What happened before?" "I was walking with her towards her dorm, and she asked me what did I want to talk about. Cause we were walking together cause she said she wanted to get to know the team better, and I was already with her since I had explained her what her job as manager was." "Mhm." "I said I didn't know. Then she crashed into a wall. I asked her if she was okay, and she told me yes. She wasn't since her nose was bleeding and I obviously told her that it was, and she said it wasn't. Which was obviously a lie. Then I told her that it was and that her shirt had blood on it. After that she looked at her shirt for a bit and passed out." Well I don't really know what to do now. "Okay." "So, what do I do? Should I just leave her body there?" I bend over to her body, now that I think about it. She's really pretty. I caress her face a bit (obviously where there's no blood) Shirabu Kenjiro! You can't just go and touch her face cause she passed out! Actually, I should clean her face. She'll probably pass out again if she sees blood on her face. "I'm gonna clean her face, but what do I do about her shirt?" "Pffft" Tendo-senpai laughs at the back. While they think of something I carry her to my dorm and clean her face. "Ne, Kenjiro-kun why don't you change her shirt then~?" (I'm to lazy to write Tendo-senpai so I'll just write Tendo when they're just thinking) "Tendo-senpai! I can't just do that." Then Ushijima decided to agree with Tendo, just in a less '~' way (I don't know what to call it) "Tendo's actually right, If she sees blood in her shirt she'll probably pass out again." "B-but I can't just go and take a girl's shirt off." Did I just stutter, I normally don't stutter. "Why not?" "Cause she's a girl!" "Just don't look at her." *sighs* "okay then" I hang up, and grab one of my shirts. I lock the door so my roommate doesn't come in. (Just pretend that will work even though he has a key) I cover my eyes and take her shirt off and replace it with mine.

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