The set up pt1

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(Y/N)'s POV
Tendo asked me to go to the amusement park with the team and him, I personally want to go to the roller coaster/flying chairs.(choose one, the flying chairs are kind of like a swing) Will Shirabu be there? Wait no that sounds like i just joined the team because of Shirabu, which is partially true, but it was because he asked me too. (Italics mean that you're thinking to yourself but as if there were two persons) He probably asked a ton of people before you. He probably did, but that means that I'm the only one who accepted. That only means you were easier to convince just because you like him. I don't like him! You do. Don't! I like him and I'm you. No you're not! Yes I am. It's kind of sad to be you. It's such a disappointment. Talking to yourself about the boy you like, and not even accepting the fact that you're talking with yourself. Idiot, you're mean! I'm you. Shut up.
"Hiiiiiii (Y/N)-Chan!, over here!" Oh, "Hi Tendo-Senpai." (Author is hungry, it's like five in the morning. I can't go to the kitchen cause I'll wake my mom. T_T) "Long time no see (Y/N)-Chan." "We saw each other at practice yesterday." Soon after that Shirabu arrives. This will be so awkward even if it was more than a week ago, I still can't believe he likes someone. (Nor that he had to search the answer in google) I start fiddling with my fingers while I think of how to break the silence. "Soooo, h-how have you been Shirabu-San?" "Fine" "Why are you so cold with (Y/N)-Chan?" "I'm not cold." He is, but that also makes him cute 🥰. How does being cold makes him cute baka. No one's talking to you.
~§~ (me lazy sorry)
"Is everyone here?" "Yes Ushijima-senpai."
Hi guys it you beloved author,
It is now my time to ask you guys. Do you want me to continue the story after they start dating, or stop it there? Would you like an epilogue? Please comment your answer it will be very appreciated. Last and probably least. Could anyone of you read the book I'm writing, it's called 'Niko and the blood seekers'. I'm very sorry to request you guys this, but the last chapter that I wrote. It's weird, I don't know how it ended like that, but I don't like it. I don't know if it makes sense how I wrote that chapter, and I was wondering if you could tell me if you like the chapter. I'm not gonna write another chapter for the book until at least someone tells me their opinion, cause I don't want the readers to get confused. Which also means that I'll try to write more often in this one.
Love (author name)

If I'm free, it'll be because of you. (Shirabuxreader)Where stories live. Discover now