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A/N: before we start, I wanted to thank you all readers for reading. Also wanted to say I'm super excited cause someone voted for the story. Besides that, I'm gonna write some other fanfics after this one's finished. For example, a Karma one. A Gladion one and an Oikawa one. Please tell me if you have any requests. Please do not ask for lemon or anything like that.
Shirabu's POV
After leaving (L/N)'s house I started walking to mine. "Mom, I'm home." "Kenjiro, welcome. You haven't been visiting me so often."   "I brought you seeds for your garden." "Really?" "Yes." I hand her the lily seeds. "Hm? Kenjiro who helped you pick them?" "A friend of mine. Why?" "It's a girl, isn't it?" I don't get it, "yes?" "Is she your girlfriend?" "No" "Are you sure?" "Yes." "Really?" "Yes" "Do you like her?" I blush a bit, "no." "You do. You're blushing." I blush more. "I'm not." "It's my mother senses, you do. Where do you know her from?" "She's the manager of the volleyball team." "What's she like? Do you have a photo of her?" "I do." I take out my phone and show her a photo of her. "She's pretty, (tall/short) too. I like her, you have my approval. I want two grandkids, but wait 'till you graduate." "MOM!" This is so embarrassing. "Does she treat you right? When can I meet her? Does she know how to cook?" "Moooooom, she's kind, you can't meet her and I don't know if she knows how to cook." "What does she know how to do, I'll teach everything she needs to know. And why can't I meet her?" "You can't meet her cause you'll treat her as if we were dating which we aren't." "But Kenjiro, I want to meet her." "Maybe someday you will in one of our games." "Now answer me my other question." God why is my mom like this. "She plays the flute, she like to do (hobby). She watches anime. She knows how to cut hair, she used to play volleyball. She knows how to clean. I haven't really asked her about what she likes to do." This is taking so long, I wonder when I'll get food. "Ok then." You know what I'll just go to sleep. Bzzt my phone vibrates.


(Y/N): Did you arrive home yet?
Me: Yes, why?
(Y/N): No reason, just wanted to make sure you arrived safely :P.
Me: Okay, thanks.
(Y/N): No problem just making sure our setter is safe ^w^.
(Y/N): Anyways, my brother wants to watch a movie. So good night.
Me: Good night.

"She likes you." I blush bright red. "N-no she doesn't." "Her faces are cute, and she does like you." "I'm going to sleep good night."

If I'm free, it'll be because of you. (Shirabuxreader)Where stories live. Discover now