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A/N: I'm sorry, I don't know how things work in Japan. So I'll just improvise. Classes start in January, spring break in March, summer vacations on June, and Christmas on December.
"Okay class, today is the last day of classes before spring break. So please don't slack off." "Hai!" We all said together. As classes pass I stare at the window. Will I ever manage to confess to Shirabu, my feelings. They keep growing, it used to be a little crush. But it keeps growing bigger and bigger, every time I look at him. I can't manage to find a flaw. Any thing he does, he's just so perfect. He's smart, tall, handsome. Man, what can I do if my feelings are hurt... Again. Maybe if I just bottle up my feelings, they will go away. I don't wanna be hurt again, it takes all of me. Every single day of my life, it's always conceal, don't show, your pain is worth nothing compared to others, don't get to close to people, love is suffering, you shouldn't love you'll be hurt, and even with all of that I still got close to him, ignoring it all. Even with that I managed to make friends, for what? They'll abandon me, just like everyone else. They are humans they will die at some point, and leave me alone mourning over their death. Maybe they won't hurt you, you're scared. Scared to be hurt again, there are so many scars in your heart. And they haven't been healed, even after all this time... they are still there. Maybe you'll find that one person that instead of hurting you heals you. Maybe there's a person that loves you, yet you're stupidly scared because of the past. It's time to let it go. I can't, if I get hurt this time... I just know it won't be able to heal. I gave myself so many forking warning, and even like that. I still managed to fall in love with a person that'll never love me back. Wait, no. Love? Just the thought of it hurts, hurts so much. I just can't take this feeling, so annoying, so painful. You want love (Y/N), and when you get that love from that specific person all that pain will go away. Love is painless, unless your love is unknown or not given back.

If I'm free, it'll be because of you. (Shirabuxreader)Where stories live. Discover now