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I wake up, and see... I'm not in my dorm! I look and see Shirabu sleeping in the chair. And realize that this isn't my shirt I'm wearing. I go Shirabu and shake him a bit to wake him up (yes, after all her did, you gonna wake him up r00De) he opens his eyes slowly and looks at me. "U-um, Shirabu-San. Why am I in your dorm and shirt?"
Third person POV
Shirabu looked at you and blushed a little, this went unnoticed by you obviously. "Y-you passed out when you saw blood on your shirt, and I cleaned your face and changed your shirt so you wouldn't pass out when you saw it." "Oh ok." He looked at you again and thought 'my shirt is kinda big on her. She looks so cute though.' "U-uhm, Shirabu-San, where's my shirt?" "Oh, right. I washed it it's there." He pointed towards where your shirt was. "T-thanks."
I was at recess, talking to (F/N). "Hey, (Y/N) i heard you joined the volleyball club as manager." God she had to bring the team up, I'm so embarrassed about what happened with Shirabu. "Y-yes" I said blushing a bit. "Did you join because of your little boyfriend that is there~?" She said in a teasing tone. "U-uh, he's not my boyfriend." Why (F/N)? Why?  I blushed even more. "Hmmmm? What is he then?~" "I hate you." "Oh I know! How about your lover boy.~" "W-what!?" I am now crimson red. "For example, a Lover Boy is a guy who cares so much about his so called lover. He's a flirt and super loyal. Another example is that a Lover Boy is also most of the time super romantic and charaming. Now is there any other way you'd describe him?~"  I'm gonna murder you, y-you idiot. "Yes many other ways, let's see. First we are not lovers, second he's not a flirt, and also I cannot even tell about the other things since we have only spoken like three times." "But you do like him a lot don't you?~" I blush an even darker shade of red if that's possible. And then the worst possible thing that could happen happened. Tendo came when he saw me blushing. "My my~ (Y/N)-Chan, is it possible that you might have a crush on someone?~" why world why? "N-no, I don't." "Hmm~ That will make Kenjiro-kun sad (Y/N)-Chan~" my face is burning, I burry my face in my hands. I'm so embarrassed.
Little did (Y/N) knew that Shirabu had heard part of the conversation.

If I'm free, it'll be because of you. (Shirabuxreader)Where stories live. Discover now