Epilogue: I'm free

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(Y/N)'s POV
"How are you today, Ken-Chan?" "Hi, (N/N)-Chan. I'm good, what about you?" "I'm good too." "How was volleyball practice?" "It was super exciting being able to play volleyball again!" "I'm glad." "Now Goshiki-kun, how has Shirabu been as captain." ('He's glaring at me' thought Goshiki.) "He's a great captain." "Hm, that's good."
"Mom, I want you to meet someone." I'm so nervous, "Did you finally get a boyfriend?" "W-well yes, I guess." "Who's it have i met him, or her." "U-uh, well yes." "Who's it? who's it!?" "It's Kenjiro." "Kenjiro? Oh right! That guy from the volleyball club!" "Y-yeah." "Oh my god! You guys are finally together!" "Y-yes." "Oh my god! Come in dear." "Hi, (M/N)-San." "No, not that anymore. Call me mom." Mom =_=; "o-oh, sure." "For how long have you been together?" "A-about a year now." "I'm so happy! Why didn't you tell me before?" "Cause you told me not to present you any of my boyfriends unless we had a serious relationship."
"M-mom, I'm home!" "Kenjiro, how have you been? Wait, who's this?" "You said you wanted to meet her-" "This is her!? She's even prettier in person!" "(L/N) (Y/N), pleasure to meet you." "Pleasure to meet you too." She looks at Shirabu. "Please don't mom." "I want to grandkids, but there's no need to hurry." She smirks at Kenjiro, and I blush madly. "H-hai."
"We are finally graduating!" "Yes, no one thought you'd graduate onee-Chan." "You had to ruin the moment."
"K-ken-Chan, what will you study?" "I want to study medicine at (wherever he studied)." "O-oh, ok." "You are worried about our relationship, aren't you?" "Just a bit."
Flashback ends
It was our fifth anniversary, we went to the park. "Do you remember what happened in this park?" "You insulted me, then kissed me, apologized, and asked me out." He chuckled, I watched him knelt to the ground, and pull out a box. I remembered our every moment, as I felt tears coming out of my eyes. "(L/N) (Y/N), through all this five years I've been the happiest man alive, and I realized how much I love. As this feeling kept growing every time I saw you, I was so confused. But now I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you..."

"So, will you do me the honor of being my wife?" I nod my head as I dry the tears off my eyes, he stands and pulls me into a hug, and then kisses me.
I'm so excited, today is our wedding. (I don't know a thing about wedding, sorry. But I'll just say random things.) I walk down the aisle, as I stand in front of him. My hands shaking, as I try to calm myself. "Can't even keep your hands from shaking, huh?" "Sh-shut up Kenjiro, I can see you tapping you finger impatiently against you leg." "Don't worry onee-Chan, Kenjiro. You just have to say I do." He's right, now stop shaking. But I'm so nervous!!! "Shirabu Kenjiro, do you accept (Y/N) as your wife. Through good and bad times, through health and sickness. Until death does you apart?" "I do." "And (L/N) (Y/N), do you accept Shirabu as your faithful husband, through the good and bad times, through health and sickness. Until death does you apart?" "I do." "You may kiss the bride." He moves my veil, and kisses me.

I'm finally free, Kenjiro. And it's because of you. I was a bird in a cage, made out of pain and suffering. Until you came to my life. You are the key that opened that cage and freed me. After all this time, you let me spread my wings and fly freely. Accompanying me all the way so no one can capture me again.

A/N: well that was the end, goodbye. It was fun while it lasted. I'll be writing a Karmaxreader. It will be based on the lines of a play I presented, it's about a toxic relationship where you both manipulate each other, and damage each other psychologically. It's a yandere. Completely appropriate... except for the fact that it's a toxic relationship and they manipulate each other. If you want to read it, you'll have to wait. Cause I haven't watched assassination classroom, so I'll have to watch it, or read some fanfics. I'm doing it for my sister.

If I'm free, it'll be because of you. (Shirabuxreader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora