Chapter Thirty Two

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"So, you were saying that you caught them in the act? What the hell!" Reign exclaimed in surprise.

Y/N, together with her best friends, Reign and Karl went to a club to have some drinks since it's been a while since the last time they had one. While Maxine was left in the house with Mina, to take care of her. Anthony, on the other hand, went back to their own apartment yesterday.

Y/N doesn't really want to go, she's been isolating herself inside of her office room in their house, doesn't even want to be at their own room for atleast an hour with her wife. Mina tried to approach her but whenever she's noticing it, Y/N would instantly go away.

Although, Reign, Karl, Anthony and Maxine knew that Mina betrayed Y/N, they still didn't know the whole story behind it. So this opportunity helped Reign and Karl to gain details about what really happened between the married couple.

Y/N shrugged as she drank her whiskey. "I can't believe Mina can do such thing." Karl stated, fully surprised and shocked by the sudden confession.

"Wait, you told us before that they had some sort of something, diba?" Reign recalled as she leaned forward, facing her best friend.

"Oo nga, bakla. What was it?" Karl asked after he drank his vodka.

Y/N took a deep breath and cussed silently. "Mina was Jared's first love and Jared was Mina's first love." Y/N announced, jaw clenching.

"Okay, what the fuck?!" Reign exclaimed again, but this time, Karl joined her.

"Why did you marry her, then? I thought you would never date your brother's girl?" Reign asked with full of curiosity.

"I didn't know. Mina never told me. Sinabi lang sakin ni Jared na he likes her but they never told me anything about their fucking past." Y/N recalled how she remained innocent and stupid all these years that she never even noticed that something was going on between her wife and her brother. "They broke up before Mina joined JYP and two years before I met her." Y/N added.

The three of them stayed for about three more hours until they all felt dizzy from too much alcohol but since Y/N was a heavy drinker, she still managed to drive them home.

Upon entering the house, Reign and Karl immediately went to their respective rooms inside of Y/N and Mina's house. While Y/N went to the kitchen to drink something to sober her up. When she was done, she let out a stressful sigh before entering their room.

To be honest, Y/N missed her wife as well and it breaks her wife seeing Mina was suffering and pleading for her forgiveness but Y/N was afraid that if she gives her another chance, she might do the same thing again. Especially now that the baby in Mina's tummy was actually Jared's child.

I don't want to take a risk again. It's too painful. It's too much to handle. and just like what people say, once a cheater, always a cheater.

When Y/N opened the door, she was expecting to see Mina sleeping on their bed but instead, she saw Mina sitting on the edge of the bed, patiently waiting for her to arrive.

"Babe.." Mina stood up and nervously looked at her wife.

Y/N's eyebrow furrowed as she glanced at the clock on the side table.

"Why are you still awake? It's two am, Sharon. You should be sleeping early." Y/N can't help but to feel worried about the baby in Mina's tummy. She knows how complicated it was and how dangerous for a pregnant woman to stay awake late at night. It'll be dangerous for the baby.

Even if she knew that the baby wasn't hers, she can't help but to feel worry about the baby. Y/N knew that she already loved the unborn kid.

You're not my child, but why do I have this feeling that you mean the world to me?

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