chapter 43

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general pov

you could hear a pin drop. the silence felt so deadly as the gym fell quiet in one swift moment. nini's heart and mind stopped working in that moment as she stood and waited for him to get up. everything is in slow motion as she watches the east high basketball coach sprint onto the court to his athlete. nini stood frozen unsure of what to do with herself. everything becomes even more real when she sees mike running down the bleachers to his son. she's not allowed to run to his side. to be there. to make sure he's okay. to do anything. how bad is it? she has to stay in her spot as a cheerleader. nothing can be heard except for the mumble of the men on the other side of the gym. just minutes before everything was fine. prior to this deadly silence of uncertainty, ricky was dribbling down the court with confidence when another player made an attempt to steal the ball away. a north high player shoulder shoved ricky with too much aggressive force as he snagged the ball successfully. ricky slammed into the ground harder than anyone had ever seen fall. gasps were heard when the slam of his head was heard by everyone. nini watched every move take place. she all but screamed when the slam of his head was heard. her hands were shaking as her eyes were brimming with hot tears. no no no. that didn't just happen. he has to be okay. meanwhile, his coach approached an unconscious boy and his father reached his side full of fear and worry. a referee directed the boys off to the side of the court to give him space along with everyone knowing that he wasn't going to pop up at any moment. a trainer kneeled next to his side trying to bring him into consciousness. he successfully did so as mike the basketball coach called for an ambulance. his eyes cracked open in a fluttering motion, "ricky. it's dad. try to open your eyes son." he couldn't though. there was too much painful pressure and confusion going on in his head. the trainer pulled an eyelid back to flash a small bright light only to reveal red blood shot eyes. he mumbles something no one can get out. mike is on high alert at his son's attempt to speak. another breathy mumble is heard from him in the still silent gym full of worried faces. "n-," his eyes close again. on the outside, everyone is trying to assess him. nobody knows that his mind is fully aware of the immense pain shooting through him and how scared it's making him. he just needs her next to him. her comfort. with eyes closed, "ni-," mikes eyes widen at understanding. mike looks over to the cheerleaders pinpointing nini. "NINI," is all he shouts looking to her and she knows to run to him. she rushes to his side kneeling beside mike. she wants to hold his hand, but can't reach it. she instinctively comforts him with touch by placing one hand to his chest and the other on his forehead that pushes his sweaty curls back. "right here ricky," she says. the trainer speaks, "we need to get him awake and keep him conscious until the paramedics get here." the fear fully washes through nini when everything is confirmed just how bad his condition is. she's terrified and shaking uncontrollably. she rubs his chest in efforts to wake him while mike is holding his hand. "ricky, you've gotta open your eyes," "it's nini. i'm here. please open your eyes," he squeezes his father's hand making it known that he's conscious, but in too much pain to hold open his eyes. mike notifies the group surrounding ricky that he's aware. nini takes this moment to speak to him knowing that he can hear her now, "ricky, baby," she says that next part closer to his ear where the others can't hear while she holds back tears, "baby, stay awake." she combs through his hair to comfort both him and herself. mike watches the interaction and puzzle pieces start to fall into place, but that's the least of his thought process right now. in the meantime, the gym is being released sending players and everyone else home. games typically pick up after an injured player is moved off of the court, but this is much more severe. "nini," he barely audible word escapes his mouth with a lot of effort. "right here," she says quickly. she kisses his forehead not minding any of the men next to her. her eyes and mind are only on him. his coach's earpiece is heard and he states that the ambulance pulled up to the school. they just wait for the gurney and paramedics to come rushing in. nini hears this, "baby, open your eyes. i know it hurts. just try," he grunts at the attempt. "the trainer watches his face intently. "try to open them and keep them open," the trainer says seriously. nini soothingly combs the curls that sit just above his forehead more as she speaks, "try to open them ricky." his eyes crack open with tears of pain and exhaustion springing to his eyes. she puts on a ready smile when he searches her eyes, "i know it hurts. hold them open," she says taking the hand that was on his chest to his neck where her thumb massages his jaw. the paramedics enter the gym commanding that everyone moves away from him. "nini. dad," he says with his best effort, but the two of them heard it. "still here bud," mike speaks for them. they transfer him to the gurney and begin their way to the ambulance as mike rushes to follow and call lynne. "mike! could i come to the hospital?" nini rushes out scared he would say no just because of the circumstances. "honey, i'll call your mom later. just go home for now nini," he responds half thinking half scared shitless. nini fully understands, but it still hurts wanting to be by his side and not being allowed to. "be safe," nini says.
                for the time being, nini calls her mom in breathy tears as she stands at the front doors of the high school. "momma," she says at the sound of her picking up on the other end, "ricky's in an ambulance  mike went. uh. he's hurt really really bad. i'm scared," her own words cause her tears to finally spill. she looks around to see some families standing out side of their cars as they watch the ambulance being closed up in the almost empty parking lot. carol is on the phone with her terrified daughter, "what happened honey?" she asks in complete shock and worry, but can't let her daughter hear that. "h-he got hurt in the game. his. his head slammed on the ground. oh my gosh. it hit the ground so loud and hard," she says pulling at her hair trying to relax her breathing. "i'm on my way to the school baby. just stay put. do not drive right now. we'll get your car later," momma c says knowing that her daughter is traumatized right now. "he's gonna be okay right?" nini asks her mom now sobbing. "he's being taken care of right now honey. i'm heading to the car now. stay put." "k," nini says then hangs up. she takes deep breaths, but can't get the sound of his head on the hard ground from replaying in her head. her mom soon pulls up and she hops into the backseat seeing that her other mom was in the passenger seat. dana turns around to see her daughter, "nini, mike called. we're gonna go to the hospital. lynne can't get a flight right now and he's alone in the waiting room. ricky was still conscious when they arrived which is good news! he was taken back and is being assessed and taken care of right now." nini nods her head at all of the information.
               lots of waiting later, mike is invited to his sons room to speak with the doctor and see him. mike walks in to see his son in a peaceful sleep with lots of machinery hooked up to him. he sits at his side as the doctors speaks, "hello, mr. bowen. im richard's doctor, dr. bless. it did a lot of good that all of you made sure to keep his eyes open for the time being. you kept him from much much more severity of the head injury. i understand that it was a hard impact. he does have a severe concussion. he will be kept for observation overnight, but allowed for release in 24 hours. i will have a nurse come in to explain all of the healing process measures and further detail." mike feels conflicted at this information. so relieved that ricky will be okay, but he has a severe injury he has to work through. he texts the salazar-roberts to come into room 114. nini enters first as she takes ahold his hand sitting in the chair opposite of mike. the wires and tubes scare her, but she's more honed in on his face that looks so peaceful now.

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