Chapter 25

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It silent again before Athena questions "whom told you of this prophecy?"

"Well that would be me dear." A voice so familiar says behind them.

They all turn to see the witch from the cabin stood behind them. They all gasp looking confused on how she is involved in this once again.

"I'm sorry that you could not be told about this before but it was for all of your protection. Seth has had the help of a very dark and powerful witch for many years, her darkness latched on to his soul. We had to deal with the dark witch before you could all know of the prophecy." Her explanation hangs in the air, as they all take some time to understand everything that has just been said.

"So this dark witch... she influences Seth? She made him evil?" Athena questions

"She simply enhanced his behaviours... simply gave him the push needed and unfortunately he has held that darkness latch onto him for too long... he's most probably going insane." Her smile is sad

"So this prophecy thing is real? We are suppose to unite wolves, vampires and witches together?" Louis questions with suspicion clear in his tone

"Yes my child. Although witches will take longer to integrate as we know they prefer to stay with their own kind. This will be a monumental moment in history. It is only possible if you stay together as one, those that are around will aid in your quest. But be careful... this quest comes at a condition. Seth must be defeated and that may cause loss among you." At her final word she vanished from the spot she stood leaving everyone else in silence.

They spend a few moments looking at one another before Harry speaks "we must rest then we finally deal with Seth." He leads Louis inside the pack house and to their bedroom. Silently climbing under the covers with him.

"Are you scared?" Louis whispers looking at his beloved

"I'm scared that we may lose someone.... scared to lose you" Harry whispers back tightening his gasp on his mate

"We'll be okay alpha... we will fight together and win." Louis moves closer gently pressing his lips to his beloveds before sending a message to his wolf

We can't let anything happen to him

Agreed... we do whatever is necessary to protect our mate.

Louis slowly falls asleep within his alpha's arms, scared of what's to come but knowing that no matter what he has to protect Harry. He cannot lose anyone else.

Hours later everyone is stood around the table discussing the plan for infiltrating Seth's castle. Meanwhile Louis stands to the side whispering softly with Athena, they have their own plan.

Louis can see Harry keep looking over at him as he stands with Athena. Clearing his throat he moves closer to Harry.

"Seth is pretty lax... he's lost all form of control of the vampires in his quest to destroy the wolf packs. However he is the king of the vampires and so they will fight until the death.. we must try and kill Seth first- the rest will then submit as they feel his death." Louis quickly explains

Everyone nods slowly... "I would suggest that Louis, Harry, Lumi and I infiltrate the castle. While the rest leads the pack onto the castle grounds drawing all other vampires outside."

"That's a simple but good plan Athena.... we all need this to end... reports of more vampires and rogues attacking packs have risen especially the number of those that have gone unnoticed." Jasper reveals angrily

"We shall leave immediately. Jasper, Saffi, Zayn, Ni and Liam go and prepare the pack. We are going to go ahead with Athena... she will teleport us inside the castle."

"Yes Luna.... we will be there and ready to fight in no time" they all quickly turn and leave to prepare the warriors

Athena reaches her hands out, her eyes filled with a determined glint. "Hold my hands... I'll take us to the castle"

Louis quickly clasps his hand with Harry and his other with Athena as she clasps her hand with Lumi. She closes her eyes muttering a few words under her breath before the area around them fades and they end up in a dark and cold dungeon. They all look around Athena and Louis shivering at the familiar location they've landed in. While Harry and Lumi take time to look at the cold, damp and dark room. Chains hanging from the wall, blood splattered across the room and what they could only describe as torture objects on a table.

"Sorry... I could only teleport to the most familiar place I've been here." Athena says to explain their location.

Louis watches as Harry and Lumi's eyes darken with anger and hate as they realise that this is where Louis and Athena had been kept during their time living in this castle.

"Come on we need to try and find Seth before a fight begins" Louis says while moving towards the door. Opening it, he peers outside before beckoning everyone else to follow.

Walking through the corridor until they reach the stairs, moving quickly up the stairs to the door. Louis pauses looking back "this door leads into the hallway... it is normally always guarded. Keep eyes peeled."

Exchanging a few nods Louis opens the door slowly and then quickly. Frowning he steps out seeing the hallway completely empty, something doesn't feel quite right. Stepping out one by one until they are all in the hallway, Louis takes a deep breath to track where his uncle may be in the castle.

"He's on the second floor.... quickly this way." Moving into the grand hall towards the main staircase. Louis stops seeing a gathering of vampires stood waiting.

"Should have known" Louis mumbles "he knows we are here... he's hiding upstairs behind his vampires."

Louis only manages to finish his sentence before the vampires with red eyes and fangs dropped launches forward.

Harry and Lumi growl deep in their throats as their claws drop and they go to work slashing through as many vampires as they can. Athena stands blasting each and every vampire she sees. Louis snarls eyes wide and red as he launches towards the oncoming vampires.

Louis moves quickly snapping one vampires neck before moving to throw another against the wall, he hisses feeling a sharp bite to his arm. Turning he finds a young vampire biting with wide eyes, ripping his arm away. He states deep into the you vampires eyes "sleep". He watches as he effortlessly to the floor in a sleep like state.

Looking around he sees vampires piling onto Lumi as she struggles under the load, speeding towards her he launches himself through the air and straight into the vampires. Knocking them from Lumi's back, she stands sharing eyes contact before turning and ripping into the vampires that had just pinned her.

With just a few vampires left Lumi let's out a loud growl before mind linking "go.. I'll take care of the last few"

With a quick nod, Louis, Athena and Harry rush up the stairs to the 2nd floor. Louis and Athena share a secret look before nodding.

It's time... Louis thinks.

Please forgive me Harry

What do we think he's planned?

Why is he sorry?

Is this a set up?

Has Louis been lying?

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