Chapter 4

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Taehyung's POV:

When I woke up, I was in a comfy bed. All I remember was getting beaten by those jerks. I swear I'll kill them.

After coming back to my senses. I realized that I was in a strangers house. I immediately shot up and looked around. The person next to me got up and put their hands in a defensive position. 

"Woah, Woah tae calm down." she said. I looked to her and saw Jisoo. "Jisoo??" I said squinting my eyes to see if it was true. 

"Yes, I found you on the sidewalk bleeding so I took you in. By the way, those wounds were pretty bad, no human could have down that" she muttered the last part but I still heard it. 

I pretended to not hear anything but suddenly I felt and immense pain in lower abdomen. "Oh shit, Don't move" Jisoo said and then left. 

She then came back with porridge but something smelled weird. "did you poison it" I said suspiciously.

"Wtf Tae, no, just eat the damn porridge." Jisoo said rolling her eyes. I drank and after that, I surprisingly felt much better. 

I was feeling refreshed but then I started craving for Soju. "Jisoooooo, Can you get me soju. Tae tae want soju." I whined. 

I could have sworn I heard jisoo curse. "Shit, Ugg the side effects of the herbs." she said. "Fine I'll go get em, stay right here." I just nodded  like a baby. 

A few minutes later, Jisoo came back with 2 bottles of soju. I toddled up to Jisoo and snatched the bottle out of her hands. 

Time Skip (After a few hours)

Jisoo's POV:

I was on the sofa exhausted. Tae was jumping around creating a big mess. After taking a few sips of Soju. Taehyung was already all jumpy. He eventually drank all the bottles. 

Taehyung was now passed out on the floor while I was cleaning up. I looked at Tae and scoffed although his face did melt my heart. 

I wish I could confront him and tell him everything but I couldn't risk anything. As I went up to him, my heart beat increased. The butterfly sensation came back to my tummy but for some reason, I enjoyed it. 

It broke my heart that he had a girlfriend and he hates  werewolves. If I told him, he would cut ties with me and hate me. And as his mate, I could tell when he despised me.

For now, this is all I could do. I hope I can tell him the truth one day I thought as I also drifted to sleep next to him.

Taehyung's POV:

I woke when I saw Jisoo peacefully sleeping next to me. Her medicine really works, I need to ask her for the recipe. 

As I woke up, thoughts from last night flashed in my head. Oh shit what an I going to do now. I can't believe I danced in front of her and I sang. God I must have sounded like a dying donkey. 

I pulled my hair in frustration and went to the kitchen to eat something. I was making an omelet when I heard footsteps. I turned and saw Jisoo coming down. 

 Oh shit, Its ok Tae act cool act cold. Jisoo ignored me and pantry and got small bottle. Oh my god. What if its a poisonous gas. Oh no. I can't die this young. 

I went up and searched poisonous gases and saw that there was this gas called antimony pentafluoride. I searched it up and I saw a bottle that looked exactly like what Jisoo was holding. I saw that Jisoo was coming closer to me so I started freaking out. 

I started screaming and shouting and running around shaking my hands. Suddenly Jisoo caught onto me and calmed me down. "Bruh wtf, this is hangover medicine" Jisoo said looking at me as if i was an alien. 

I looked at her with the 'how was i supposed to know ' face. "O-oh. ok T-thanks". I stuttered out of embarrasement and took the bottle and left. 

Jisoo's POV:

I have no idea what that was but I know one thing, that boys filled with a whole lot of shit.

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