Andy biersack

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Jades p.o.v

School. I hate this wretched fucking dump. But the dance is coming and Austin is going with me of corse, but yet I'm still terrified and excited at the same time. Austin has been really strange lately and has been having awful nightmares, I wish I could help but everything I say goes straight over his head.

I walked to the lunch room, nearly face planting when I got ran into.

"Hey watch it! I'm tryin-" I stopped looking at Alan... what happened to his face! "Alan what the hell happened to your-"
"Just stay away from me kapeesh?" He said brutally and walked past- or rather through me.

His cheek had several scratches and his forehead had stitches, to accompany his bruised chin he had a black eye. Why was he being so rude? Why is he all beat up? Who did that? I know Alan can be moody but this wasn't the same.

In an instant I suddenly snapped out of it and chased Alan to the boys bathroom. "Alan what's going on?" I asked as he leaned over the sink not even looking or facing me. "you're my best friend and I want to help like-"

"Don't you fucking get what stay away from me means!"

"Alan I just-"

"No if you wanna help then please" he got real silent. "stay away."

"Why! Stop playing games and tell me who did this and why I need to stay away!" I was frustrated he wouldn't cooperate.

"JUST GET OUT OF MY LIFE!" He screamed, I was in a corner freaking out "YOU STUPID GIRL JUST LISTEN TO ME AND TRUST ME!"

I was suddenly yanked out of the corner and Austin stood in front of me protectively. Alan had this intimidating fire in him, I have never been truly scared by Alan until now.

"Alan chill out, don't scream at her again or I swear-" Austin growled.

"Or what! You gonna jump me! Haha! Please!" Alan got in Austin's face and swear if I continued to let them do this they're gonna get in a really bad fight.

"ENOUGH! Austin let's go I'm not gonna watch you two fight like this! Alan you need to chill out!" I ran outside trying to calm myself but it was hard earning stares that burned like fire.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I shrugged it of thinking it was Austin's.
"What." I turned around shocked and slightly embarrassed to see Andy standing there.

"Um are you okay?" He smiled trying to be friendly.

"Yeah just yaknow'..."

"If you want you can talk to me." he looked at me intently, I wanted to talk to him for some reason but. No. He might start gossip I don't know, yet I still wanted to tell.

"You don't have to worry about me! I'll be fine." I smiled bright but Andy didn't look to convinced of my sudden change. His icy blue eyes pierced right through me.

"Uh huh... Sure." He chuckled then softened up a bit."It okay if you don't wanna tell-"

"No! I do but, I don't know I just ugh. It's hard to explain. But I really do want to talk to you! I uh I-I mean I just-"

"Do you wanna be friends?" He smiled and helped me out. He slung his arm around my shoulder for a friendly side hug. "I get it dude. But if you ever wanna talk here's my number!"

"Thanks Andy, you just made my day."

He blushed and shrugged it off with a smile. "haha nah. I'll see ya around kid!" He patted my head and walked away.

I just made a new friend.
So sorry I'll try to be more consistent with my updating. anyways! Vote👽 comment💀 share🍟 love youz!!!

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