4: Feelings for her ♥️

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• Anirudh's POV

I was doing fine in my own world where everything Was just.... Devastating. When I first saw bondita, actually I'm not usually the one who talks to everyone because there's a reason of my this behavior but when I saw bondita, I felt like something different like the time stopped and all the distorted colours of my life went back to normal. Colourful. she was so beautiful, her black eyes, her long black hair's, her rose pink lips, she was like an angel from Heaven. I couldn't stopped myself and said 'hi' that's how our weird conversation took place. I couldn't stopped myself from staring at her and when I saw that she was in my geography class I was shocked, again, started staring at her. Professor assigned me bondita as my class partner, that was a big miracle that happened with me ever, somewhere's in my heart I also wanted that.

When in geography class our hands touched, I felt something strange, a tingling sensation and I could hear professor clearly. I was stunned To realize that I felt something, very strange but beautiful. When I asked her about it her face said it all, she also felt something that was unable to describe. That moment made me realize that I was falling for Her, I knew that it wasn't right for me to like someone, I knew that I shouldn't let my feelings to overpower my determination so I decided to maintain a distance from her.

Next day after that geography class incident, I tried to ignore her but how could I ignore her in our geography class where she sits next to me. I entered in my classroom and saw her, she was probably waiting for me. I took my seat next to her and again I was lost in her eyes, she was ready to bombard on me with Her questions.

" why are you keep ignoring me? "

I didn't answer her question instead I was Flipping my book page's. controlling myself to not talk to her.

" Anirudh listen, if you've any problem just tell me. I'll tell the professor to change my seat with someone else"

I felt hurt by listening those word's. It was sure that Neither do I want to ignore her nor do I want her to change her seat with someone else .

" Anirudh, why are you being so rude to me? Answer me dammit" she said , touching my hand

" stop, don't, don't touch me "

"what? "

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that " leaving my hands from Her's.

She didn't said a word to me and we were silent for the whole time. Somewhere inside me I was feeling so much pain for hurting her. Finally, I gave up on my determination. And my feelings overpowered on my inner determination.

After the class, she left for greenzone area because it was her favorite place. I remembered, I used to stare her always there while trying to not talk to her. I thought I'll apologize for my rude behavior towards Her. I too went there and what I saw was so....

" you assholes, how can you all make fun of someone's disease? Don't You all know that thousands of people die because of lupus Everyday? Wait, maybe you all don't even know what lupus is. Let me tell you what is lupus, it's an autoimmune disease that occurs when your body's immune system attacks your own tissues and organs. Lupus can affect your joints, skin, kidney's, blood cells, brain, heart and lungs. The worst thing is that there's no cure for lupus, treatment can help control symptoms. Lupus can cause serious kidney damage and kidney failure is one of the leading causes of death among people with lupus. " Bondita said in anger.

" And y'all have the audacity to make fun of her lupus by saying that she's a kidney failure "

" we're sorry girl, we didn't knew that lupus is that much dangerous " students said

" don't say sorry to me, say sorry to her. You never know how a person is dealing with his/her health, she already had kidney transplant last year. Did y'all thought for a second that if she didn't get those kidney's, she wouldn't be here today. How painful it is for her and her family . They know that there's no cure of lupus. She's still suffering from the lupus and y'all made fun of her situation. Shame on you all. " she said aggressively and tears were in her eyes.

"we're sorry Alina, we will never do this sin again, we're so embarrassed right now " all the students said together.

It's OK, I'm happy that you all understood what it feels like to having a disease like this and now you won't make fun of anyone that's everything to me. And thank-you bondita you literally did what nobody ever did. I'm so grateful for you " Alina said

No, Alina Dont be thankful, it's my duty to let people know about it because it's what everyone should know. making fun of any disease isn't cool and normal " said bondita

After when everyone left that place, I went to her and said " wow bondita, I'm so proud of you, but how do you know so much about lupus? "

"none of your business. You can ignore me like You are doing from yesterday "

"look bondita, I'm really sorry and I mean it and that's why I also came here. I was feeling very bad that I hurted you. "

" really? You did feel bad? "

" yes , I did feel hurt by hurting you "

" okay. I forgive you "

" so if you don't mind I can give you geography tuitions and we will have the time to know each other more better "

" really? How do you know that I'm not good in geography? " she said in confusion

"After seeing your notes in the class " I said , in a teasing tone

" you did notice my notes while you were trying to ignore me " she said, raising her eyebrows.

"yes, how can I not notice anything about you? " I said

"really?" she blushed.

We were lost in each others eyes, her eyes were so intense and beautiful. Suddenly , we realized that we were at green zone and we came back to the reality.

" okay so see you on Saturday " I said

" Saturday? " she looked puzzled

" every Saturday, we've your geography tuition classes and I'll teach you, remember? " I said with a smile

" yes i know , I was just.... Okay see you on Saturday.

Dear readers, I added lupus here because people barely know about this disease! A person who mean my world to me, she has lupus and she underwent through a kidney transplant. She's still suffering from this and it's worst because she has to deal with panic attacks, anxiety, depression because of this and what makes me more angry that people do make fun of lupus and her when they don't even know what it is! It always disgust me ! She almost died but still fighting with her disease that's why I thought I should add it here! It's personally so close to my heart ♥️ I hope people would understand it and never make Fun of lupus or even any disease. PS- I was crying while writing the lupus part. Thanks for all the love ♥️

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