5: An unexplainable incident 🍀

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Three day's passed, like the water runs out of the tap. It was the day, of which I've been waiting for almost three days. Yes, it was Saturday. I was ready for our first tutoring session where he'll be the teacher and I'll be his student, his only student. I was so excited for this day.

I was waiting for him at the green zone, suddenly I heard a voice from behind me and I recognized it at once , how couldn't I recognize this voice? When it's his voice, very cold and deep. I could hear his heavy breathing, I moved my face towards him.

" you are late " I said with a grin.

"Not that much " he said, breathing heavily.

"let's start, but where? " I asked

" Absolutely, the reason of my being late is that I was searching for an empty room. Where no one could see us together as you know the rules of this academy " he said, grabbing my hands and added " come with me "

We reached at some place which was unknown to me. I never knew it exists, there was a desk and he made me sit on the desk and then he took a seat next to me.

" now that I've captured your attention, I want you to listen me very carefully " he said in a teasing tone.

" yes, of course I'll listen to you " I said

" Our first chapter is about human geography and we'll talk about 'determinism ' , 'possibilism ' "

" Have you ever heard about these two terms? "

" Yes but I don't know about them very much " I said

" Environmental determinism, this is a type of interaction between primitive human society and strong forces of nature. "

A lock of hair fell in front of his face, and he pushed it behind his ear and looked at me.

" so, early human's were greatly influenced by the nature and they also adapted to the dictates of nature. "

I blushed. He was talkative around me even sweet at times. The only time I got close to forgetting about my parents death's was when he was around.

" sorry " he said, noticing that I was blushing.

" you're so good, I really like your explanation and I understand a little more now "

" You understand more about me or geography? "

" Geography. I hardly know anything about you. Your past "

He leaned closer and asked " what do you want to know about me? "
" where are you From? "

He hesitated a bit, " north, north west "

" What about your parents?" I asked

" They aren't alive, they died in an accident " he said

" I'm sorry " I said while i was feeling bad that i asked him this question.

He studied me. " it's a past " he said.

" don't you miss them? I asked

" not really, honesty I can't remember anything about them. It happened a long ago. Their memories faded away "

He smiled, his face was turning soft. " tell me about your parents " he said gently.

" They were business partners " I stopped and imagined about them together in our old home. I missed them everyday but I wasn't missing them the way I used to do, for weeks.

" what else " he said.

I told him everything about me and my parents, the way we lived, the way I was before coming here, how they died. How my sister died. Anirudh didn't said a word when I was explaining him this all and finally we were back in present.

" The dead live inside us" he said.

I was confused and waited for him to say more about it but instead there was a long pause. Finally he spoke.

" conversation isn't easy for me. There aren't many people I like talking to, so I don't have much practice but I like you. I mean, listening to you. You're different, you see things differently than other people. "

I blushed. I had never been good at taking compliments.

" how are you so good in geography? "

" I don't think so, I'm just an average "

" no, you're so good " I said

We spent the next half hour going over the mistakes I had made on last weeks homework and suddenly something happened which was unexplainable. As Anirudh turned a page, the corner cut into his thumb, slicing the skin. He pulled his hand away.

I stand up from my seat " Are you okay? "

" what are you talking about? I'm absolutely fine " he said hiding his thumb within his fist.

I gazed at him, " let me see your hand "

Anirudh gave me a bemused look. But didn't move .

" let me see it " I repeated taking his arm. It was cold.

" open your fist " I said " please " .

He opened his fingers one by one until his palm was resting on the desk. I looked at his thumb but to my shock there was nothing. No cut, no blood, not even a scar of cut. I held his thumb to the light, examining every angle but there was nothing.

" You just cut yourself and it's not there anymore "

" I told you " he said with a confused smile, " nothing happened "

" but why did you pull away like that? Your skin, it started to bleed.... I saw that "

" maybe my pen leaked "

" but it didn't, I checked it"

Anirudh looked into my eyes and said " bondita you're just imagining things. How could my skin healed that fast? I'd have to be some kind of monster "

I shook my head. " It wasn't what I meant at all. I don't think you're monster "

" what do you think I'm, then? "

That he was awesome, he made me feel safe. He was different from everyone else I had ever met.

" perfect " I said, before I could stop myself.

He didn't even reply anything for some minutes and I was feeling embarrassed of what I just said.

" you must have a strange view of perfection if that's what you think " he said, flipping my notebook pages.

I was wondering that what did he just said, he was literally so perfect. I was staring at him while he was checking my homework.

" so, we'll meet next Saturday. Same time, same place " he said handing over my book to me.

I looked at him and his thumb. Had I really seen what I thought I had or was Anirudh right?

" No one's perfect, bondita " he said and smiled.

I nodded and Watched him leaving.

Hello everyone, this chapter is just all about their past and an unexplainable incident! This incident has a main significance in the story! Reader's don't think so much about this incident now because I don't want y'all to know the biggest secret 😁 thanks for reading and giving me soooooooooo much love.♥️♥️ I really appreciate y'all ♥️♥️ ily guy's ♥️ keep supporting me:-) even if the chapter is boring because it's a different story and I'm sorry if I'm disappointing anyone! I'm trying to do my best guy's ♥️:-) love y'all from Rini🍀

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