7: A strange note! ✍️💬

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By the middle of October, The trees had changed Colors and the entire campus was blushing red and orange leaves. After a month at scofflish thing's were getting better. Horticulture became my favourite, I was usually the best in my class. I had made friends with several people, including the girls on our floor. Barun and I were also becoming best friends. And my world was beginning to revolve around Anirudh.

We kept meeting after the paper-cut incident , I was getting A'S on all of my geography assignments, but when I saw full marks on my recent exam, all I could think of was losing Anirudh. I clearly didn't need any tutoring anymore, The problem was that I liked to have an excuse to be around him. Saturday had become my favourite day because of our private sessions, and I couldn't deny the bond I felt in knowing that he'd also lost his parents. He was the only one I could talk to about it. He knew so much about dealing with death.
I had no choice so I made lots of mistakes in my next geography test, my Mark's began to drop. Anirudh saw my Mark's and suggested we should start meeting twice in a week. I happily agreed. I wanted to ask him about Rahul's death but I couldn't so I started with something else.

" Do you like it here?"

" I think it's good for me here" he said.

His answer disappointed me, I wanted him to say something like
" you're the only reason I'm here at scofflish" or, " Bondita, you are the love of my life" .

" And I think you're good for me" Anirudh said.

I blinked, Did he actually say that or I was fantasizing? !

" What? " I said softly.

" I mean, I think talking to you is good for me. I had almost forgotten what it was like to have friends"
he said.

My heart dropped " friends".!

" What had happened between y'all? You never told me"

" We just grew apart. Rahul died, after that I realised I had different priorities from rest of them"

" What do you mean?"

" We all met in geography class back then, we were attracted to the same idea's, about myth, morality, about how to be good people and make the right decisions. I'm still fascinated by all that but I can't say the same for them."

I was trying to analyse all of the the things he just said and I asked...

" So why were you spying on Nikhil that day in the library?"

" I wasn't spying, I was studying"

" In the exact location in the library?" I asked.

Anirudh raised his eyebrows " As I remembered , You were there too"

He was right. How had I find them? It was coincidence. So maybe he had a point. But there were lots of questions in my mind.

" Why Alina's brother and other boards of monitors doesn't like you?"

" I don't know, maybe out of dissimilarity? Do you know why people dislike you? "

" Who dislikes me? " I said forcefully. I was a nice person. Why would anyone dislike me?

Anirudh laughed. " IT was just a joke"

"Oh, well why didn't you ever talk to alina even though you sit next to her in assembly?"

" She never talks'to me " he replied.

Was he mocking me? He had all the answers to my every questions.

" Why do you live off campus?"

" I don't like to share bathrooms"

" Why are your hands so cold?"

" Because of bad circulation"

I pushed my hair out of my face. Anirudh gave a pensive look, " There's something else that you wanna ask, isn't there?"

"Why I am the only one you talk to?" I asked

He hesitated. " Because you're impulsive. Stubborn. Too quick to judge. You question everything and you can't keep your thoughts to yourself even if you're wrong...."

I was stunned to listen that and was about to interrupt, but he cut me off.

" And you're sincere. And searching. Even if you're angry, you're so full of life that it spills out of you. You think that no one understands you" he said gently " But that's not true".

I was unsure of whether I wanted to laugh or cry.

" You didn't answer my question" I said.

He smiled, " I talk to you because you make me feel happy"


Me and Alina were in the history class. The professor was teaching about " The Burials" .

" Why do we bury our dead?" He asked.

" Because it's respectful?" I said.

He shook his head. " That's true, but not the actual reason" .

After gazing at him in confusion, I raised my hand.

" Because leaving dead bodies out in open is unsanitary."

He shook his head and ignored that . Annoyed by his ignorance and confident that my responses were correct " because it's the best way to dispose of a body?"

He laughed. " Oh, but that's not true"

I was so annoyed and said " because that's just what we do, we bury people when they die. Why does there have to be a reason for everything?"

" Exactly". He said taking out the pencil behind his ear. " We have forgotten that why do we bury dead" he said.

" Why every culture has it's own rituals to bury a dead?" He said.

He drew an image of mummy on the board. " Egyptians used to remove brain from the dead body before mummification. Why do they had to do that? Think people, there must be a reason."

When no one answered, he answered to his own question. " The mind.". " The soul" ..... He started the lecture.

I used to spent my most time to passing notes to Alina in history class. She passed me a note and I opened it.

Who is more cuter?
A) The professor
B) Anirudh
C) Mummy
D) Barun

I laughed, I was confused between B and D but I answered option C next to it I wrote Obviously! And tossed it onto her desk. Alina wrote something else below it, and tossed it back to me.

Has he kissed you yet?

I wrote a one word answer and passed it back.


She passed it back with a reply.

What's taking him so long? Maybe he doesn't know how? Or he's pensive about it.

I smiled and passed it back with a response.

Maybe he doesn't like me like that. I mean I don't even know that much about him. And He called me a "friend" .

Alina wrote " later" and passed it to me.

When professor was writing something on the board again. A piece of paper hit my arm and drop down the floor, I picked it up and opened it , it didn't look like Alina's handwriting, it read:

When darkness falls and eyes stay shut
A chain of voices opens up
Let wax give breath to death.
Room 22
Friday, October 31
11 PM
PS: shhhh

After the class, I asked Alina about that note and she said she'll tell me everything on 31 October , at night. I was wondering what it could be? ...

Heya everyone :-) how are you all? Well, next part is gonna be so interesting:-) I hope you all are liking it and would like the next part too! Thanks for all the love ♥️ have a great day/night !

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