16: The secret room 👣👀

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Next day, I was in the library trying to find something about those words or about what minnie had told me! Was she right? everyone calls her crazy but she doesn't seems crazy at all. No, her story couldn't be real, why would they kill Chetna? and the principal can't kill her student.... Barun was sitting right next to me and I told him about minnie's story .

"So now you are believing in minnie? who is crazy?"

" But she doesn't seems crazy...."

" Ok , if She's saying the truth then tell me why would they kill Chetna?, Moreover they buried her alive as you are saying"

" That's what is confusing and I have to find the truth of this academy"

At night I was walking through the hallway when I saw the principal and Mrs Geeta was rushing out towards the dormitories. In the distance I could barely saw a person carrying something down the pathway. I watched him through the leaves. Anirudh emerged from the night fog carrying a body in his arms. I was shocked, it was Alina. she was unconscious and wrapped into a thick blanket. he handed her to Mrs geeta, who carried her to the nurse's wing .

The principal was questioning him. he looked so exhausted.
Just behind him a pair of maintenance workers approached.

" This young man has been lurking around here every day, trying to find the girl" the older man said

" We had been trying to get into the basement for days but the pipes kept freezing, so we couldn't drain it and suddenly this young man emerged from the front of the girls dormitory carrying the girl in his arms"

" Is it true?" Principal asked Anirudh

" I was walking past the dormitory when I saw her stumble out the front door. she could barely walk I caught her before she fell", he said

" It's been six days and we still haven't been able to drain that place. The water is still almost up to the ceiling. who knows how she managed to breathe and how she even survived is beyond me" the maintenance workers talked to eachother.

The principle had started to walk away but stopped on his words, " which means she's alive? let's hope."

Alina survived. she spent two days in the nurses wing before being transferred to a hospital and then home over winter break to recover. I barely saw her before she left. Barun and I visited her every afternoon but she wasn't in condition to talk. The nurses said that she is technically fine but there were a few complications. her skin was freezing yet she refused to use any blankets, she was hungry but didn't want to eat anything, she was tired but she never slept! Alina didn't know what had happened either. But wait let me rewind. After Anirudh carried alina out of the girls dormitory, he came and found me in the bushes. " That's a nice spot to hide"

" How did you find her?" I asked him

" You said you thought she was in the basement so I have been checking for her there every day"

I gave him a curious look, " I didn't tell you that, I told Alina's father"

Anirudh looked troubled but I didn't care.

" Chetna is dead" I said bluntly.

" How can you say something like that?"

" I saw her file. which I found in nikhil's room"

" Wait , her file? you have it ?"

" Yes , but---"

Suddenly he stood up " Show me"

I led him to the third floor of the library. But when we got to the oversized book section, the files were gone.

" They were here " I said

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