11: Scofflish curse ☘️

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we both walked into the book store. My eyes caught a book which was labelled as "Marley garden" . I took it out from the shelf, I was flipping the pages,when I saw an article named " scofflish curse" in a small box by a news writer. I read:

The Scottish academy is one of the oldest academy but there is a curse that people talk about, when I search about the history of scofflish, I found that, In 1918 there was an outbreak of a disease and in 1928 a lot of people died strangely and the reason of their death was mass suicide. In 1990's autumn fire was the first and unexplained tragedy since 1928. when we asked to the principal Mahipal about the curse, he said , " there is no such thing like curses. it's just a tragedy." So it's a secret about it that's so hard to find.

I was shocked by reading that and I turned towards Barun.
" How can it be possible ? People died of suicide? Its the same way as my parents and Rahul died. I told you there's something weird which is connected to the scofflish!"

Barun shrugged, " Maybe newspaper and media rumoured this curse for clout? I don't believe in curse at all"

There only few minutes were left until 5 p.m. students were gathering at the end of the street, getting ready for the walk back.
" Better go " Barun said.

I hesitated not wanting to tell Barun that I was meeting Anirudh.

" I just need a minute to think "

" Okay, I will wait"

" No, go ahead. I will catch up"

" There's no curse, Bondita." Barun said " It's just life" he added, while leaving.

The sun began to set. I walked down the street until I reached No.46 , Anirudh was waiting for me, leaning against a porch pillar.

" You look worried " he said, taking my bag.

" Take this instead" I said , handing him the book as I sat down.
" Turn to chapter seven, there's an article"

When he finished the article he was silent for a long time!

" Did you know about it ?"

" About the Scofflish curse? No."

I searched his face , " You know something " I said " You knew that there was something off about Rahul's death and you wouldn't admit it. here's the proof my parents and Rahul and all the other people who died of suicide at scofflish it's all the same process"

Anirudh held my hand " Come with me"

The inside of 46 marely passing was dimly lit house.

"What is this place?" I asked

" A boarding house" he said

" I live here" he said and he took my hand and led me up to his room's entrance he took out the keys from his pocket and opened the locked door. His room was well-settled, everything was in their place, The window was opened , letting the winter Breeze inside the room and making the room temperature very cold.

" You know his face was like he was afraid of something" he said

" What do you think scared him?"

" ' Death', isn't that what scares everyone. You know Bondita, when I found Rahul's dead body hanging through the ceiling fan. I couldn't think of anything but just about our memories. Sometimes I wish I could saved him "

" I can understand it, you know when last year my sis died, I was absolutely broken inside. I was there but I couldn't help her... maybe because she didn't want to live. I just watched her dying and then my parents died I was feeling like I have lost my own life, the whole world of mine was gone...."

Anidita: one soul, two bodies.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora