Mei needs to stop reading horror books pt2

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*1 week later from pt1 *

" Mei I'm gonna go get ingredients for dinner" Yuzu shouts from the door, while putting on shoes.

" alright."

" ah. Wait. I know you don't like staying alone. How about we stay on call so you feel a bit safer?"

Mei looks up from her book confused.

" just bring me your phone.." Yuzu says as she takes her phone out her pocket.

Mei gets up, grabbing her phone. Mei walks over to Yuzu and gives her the phone.

Yuzu calls Mei from her phone, accepting the call on Mei's phone.

Mei just looks confused and surprised at this nEW teChnoLaGy she has never seen.

" there we go." Yuzu gives Mei her phone back.

" this way, you know I'm safe and I know you're safe" Yuzu grins


" I'll be back soon." Yuzu puts a small kiss on Mei's cheek and walks out.

Mei blinks and blushes

Yuzu puts her phone in her pocket so Mei can see where she's walking.

Mei looks at her phone and walks back to their room.

" Yuzu." Mei whispers out.

"Yeah?" Yuzus voice comes from the phone.

Mei shrieks and drops the phone.

" oh my god hahah. I forgot to tell you we can talk too." Yuzu erupts into laughter from the other end.

"That would've been nice to know before" Mei grumbles as she picks up the phone.

" I'm sorry Mei..." Yuzu giggles

Mei let's out a sigh and flops into their bed. She opens her book from where she left and continues reading.

For the next ten minutes the on thing heard was Mei flipping her pages and Yuzu's breathing.

Yuzu starts to hum a random song and Mei looks at the phone.

Mei grabs her phone and lays down. Putting the phone near her chest and falling asleep to the humming.

~20 mins later~

Yuzu walks home and places the ingredients in the fridge.

She walks to their bedroom and sees an adorable sight.

Mei, softly snoring while hugging the phone close to her chest. She also had a faint smile on her face.

Yuzu smiles and lays down in bed next to her. She grabs the phone and ends call. She lays her head near Mei's chest and starts humming softly.

Mei hugs Yuzu tightly and smiles.

Yuzu looks up and her heart melts.

'FUCKING AWWWW' Yuzu screams in her head.

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