Chapter 24 - Shocking Breakup

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Chapter 24 – Shocking Breakup

Liam’s P.O.V

My phone buzzes frantically as I’m driving to the studios. I pull over, expecting it to be Lexi reminding me about something but instead it’s Niall. I click answer.

“Alright Niall?” I ask and then I hear a panicked voice from the other line.

“Liam, Liam! I can’t do this, I can’t come to work this morning. Or ever again. I don’t know what to do Liam, I don’t know what to do help me, God someone help me!” Niall cries from the other end of the line. My eyebrows shoot up and I begin to panic also.

“Niall mate what’s wrong? What’s happened? Tell me now,” I demand.

Niall breaths out heavily. “She broke up with me.”

I gasp in horror. Elise broke up with Niall? Why on Earth would she do that? She loves him…they love each other. They’re absolutely besotted with one another. Why would they break up?

I think for a moment, trying to decide what to do. Should I go to his house and skip work to comfort him, or should I leave him at home and go to work, or I could just tell him to come to work so the boys can help talk it through with him? I choose the last one.

“Come to work, and the boys and I will talk it through with you Niall. You’re going to be alright I promise. I’ll get Lexi to talk to Elise and ask what’s going on. Don’t worry I got this mate,” I say. We hang up shortly after and I send a quick text to Lexi explaining what’s happened. I carry on the drive to work with my mind shooting with confusion. But one tiny part of my mind is concentrating on something else. The time when Lexi walked out on me.

The memories flood back making me shiver and try to push them back out of my mind. I was heartbroken, upset, lost. I had no clue what to do. I remember camping outside Louis and Harry’s front door, hoping that soon enough she’d come out and see me there. But she didn’t, Louis did. He brought me inside and told me to sleep on the couch. I didn’t fall asleep until about four in the morning, and by then my eyes stung from all the tears. I woke up with Lexi on top of me.

I arrive at work minutes later and rush inside. Luckily Harry, Louis and Zayn are already there. Zayn seems to be babbling on about Cat, as usual. I silence them all.

“Elise broke up with Niall,” I tell them. Harry’s jaw drops, Louis gasps and Zayn raises his eyebrows.

“Whoa. Why?” Zayn says.

“He didn’t say, but he’s on his way so he can tell us about it. He’s absolutely devastated, saying he can’t do this anymore and that he needs someone to help him. I really hope he drives here safely, he was in a mess,” I reply.

Harry shakes his head. “Poor Niall. God I really wasn’t expecting that. They were so happy together too yesterday too.”

The door swings open to reveal a messy-haired, red-faced Irish boy. Niall’s dressed in sweatpants and a scruffy t-shirt with a maroon hoodie. His hair is spiking in all directions and his eyes are puffy and red. He looks like he’s just rolled out of bed.

“Niall, come here,” I pull him into a hug, in which he doesn’t respond to. Instead he just stands there like a statue.

We sit him down and wait for him to talk, but he doesn’t. Niall just sits there, frozen.

“What happened?” Louis finally asks him.

Niall looks up and looks at us with his big blue eyes. They shine, as if tears are about to stream out. And soon they do.

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