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"Many people were in-denial. They refused to believe yanderes had became real. So you know what happened? They become one themselves. Don't be stupid like them friends. Join the Yandere Liberation faction. Together, we can fight these yanderes and help the military. Look for clues on where to find us. Join now."

The radio cutted off and died.

(Y/n) was crying in the corner of an building. Something bad had happened to him. Something worse than death. It was Mushroom Kingdom all over again. But this tine, 10 times worse than last time.

Smg4 and his crew. Evil fucking bastards. They were no good. They made millions suffer and die. They were truly evil.

Were they? No, (Y/n) was losing his mind. He keeps thinking they were not evil, but were they? Were they responsible for this madness? Is it really their fault?

(Y/n) started to black out. He became to stressed, to the point here his own brain shutted itself down. So, (Y/n) fell unconscious.

The Final Fight (Smg4)Where stories live. Discover now