Chapter 1: Prologue

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A/N: This chapter is just a short prologue, but the next chapter will be longer. Also, bringing this story back from my drafts updates will be a bit slow since my writers block for the story not completely gone but have a idea on how to continue from where i left off at in the story.

Third person's P.O.V

Orochimaru was currently going for an afternoon walk through the village with his wife, Jin Uchiha. The village was now peaceful again since the second great ninja war ended almost a year ago.

"The village is so peaceful again," Jin said, looking at her husband, who she married a couple of months after the war.

"It is, my dear," Orochimaru replied.

Jin suddenly felt a pain in her stomach and stopped.  Orochimaru noticed that his wife had stopped walking and looked at her with concern in his eyes.

"What wrong, my love?" He asked.

'Dang it. I think the baby is coming.' Jin said, touching her stomach as she felt another contraction.

"It's the ba-" Jin could not continue because the pain was getting worse, causing her to let out a very loud scream.

"Hang on. I'll get you to the hospital," Orochimaru said, picking Jin up bridal style and rushing her off to the hospital.


It had been a couple of hours since Jin had gone into labor and was now giving birth to her and Orochimaru's new child.

"Ah!" Jin screamed, squeezing Orochimaru, causing him to wince.

'Man, that grip of hers is painful.' Orochimaru thought.

"Orochimaru, how dare you make me suffer this pain!" Jin screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Relax, my dear. Tsunade will have the baby out soon," he said, trying to calm down his beautiful wife.

"Just one more push Jin," Tsunade said. Jin let out another scream as she gave one more push.

Orochimaru felt a smile forming on his face. He was happy that after so many years, he would finally have a family again.

Jin took in a deep breath as she gave another. Finally, the child was born.

"Congratulations, you gave birth to a beautiful girl," Tsunade said, heading the baby to Jin.

"She is so beautiful. She looks so much like her father even has the same marking around her eyes, but her markings are green," Jin said, smiling at her bundle of joy.

"Let me see her," Orochimaru said, holding his hands out for the child. Jin nodded and headed the baby to Orochimaru.

"She does look a lot like me and just as beautiful as her mother," Orochimaru said, smiling at his new daughter.

Tsunade smiled as she watched Orochimaru smiling at his new beautiful daughter. She was happy to see him actually smiling and not his usual fake smile.

"What are you going to name her?" Tsunade asked.

"How about Aimi Uchiha," Orochimaru said.

"I love it, but you sure you don't want her to have your clan name?" Jin asked.

"My clan dead beside I hardly even use my surname. I rather her surname be from a clan that is actually still here, but no matter what, she always will be from both clans," Orochimaru said.

"If that is what you want, then her name will be Aimi Uchiha," Jin said.


A month has passed since Aimi was born, and Jin has recovered very well from her pregnancy. Jin's family came over to Orochimaru and Jin's house, which was the old house that belonged to Orochimaru's parents, to see Aimi.

"She so beautiful big sister," Mikoto said, smiling at her big sister Jin who was holding Aimi while sitting at the kitchen table feeding Aimi.

"Thanks, little sister. She looks so much like her father," Jin said, looking over at Orochimaru, who was sitting next to her, reading a book.

"Yeah, she does. You sure she has any Uchiha," Fugaku said with his arms crossed.

"Don't act like that, Fugaku. Just admit it. You think she beautiful also," Mikoto said, looking at her husband, the clan head of the Uchiha clan.

"Well, I guess she is pretty cute even if she takes more after Orochimaru," Fugaku said, finally admitting that the child was cute.

"She sure is. I couldn't wish for a more beautiful child," Orochimaru said, closing his book after finishing the chapter he was reading.

"Glad you love her because she is our new child to raise together," Jin said, standing up and kissing her husband on the lips.

"Yeah, she is, my dear," he said after kissing his wife back and then kissing his daughter on her forehead.

'It's great to have a family again finally,' Orochimaru thought, taking his daughter from Jin and kissing her on the forehead.

'He looks so happy. He is going to make a great father.' Jin thought, looking at Orochimaru, who was smiling at their new beautiful daughter.


Hey lovely reader!

I hope you enjoyed this prologue.

Don't hesitate to let me know what you think of this chapter.

Q: What was your favorite part?

Q: What did you think of Jin being related to Mikoto?

Thanks for reading!

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