Chapter Twelve ~ Army of Ghosts (part two)

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We sat around the TARDIS for a while. It must have been about 10 minutes before, we felt the TARDIS sway slightly, but the TARDIS wasn't making the wheezing noises.

"Wh-what's happening?" Chase asked. Me and Rose ran to the door.

"Don't open it too much," I said. She smiled slightly. She started to open the door and looked around as she saw we were moving. "Where are they taking us?" I asked.

"I have no idea," she replied. She looked through the crack and her eyes widened slightly.

"What is it?" I asked.

"The Doctor. He's there,"

She watched for a while, before she pulled me to look through the crack too. As soon as I was there I saw the Doctor, he was trying to make it unobvious that he was staring at the TARDIS. I stayed there for a few seconds, then saw as the Doctor nodded encouragingly. Then he looked away. They started to walk away, so I quietly closed the door.

"Rose, check his pockets," I smiled. She quickly walked to where he had thrown his coat, which was slung over on the supports. She rummaged through his pockets. Her eyes lit up when she felt it. "It's there, isn't it?" I asked, smiling.

"Yeah," she smiled, as she pulled out the psychic paper. Rose bit her lip in anticipation, knowing we could do anything now. Me and Rose celebrated by hugging each other, and smiling widely.

"So, we're excited over a... wallet?" Chase asked.

"This isn't just a wallet, Chase. It's psychic paper, show this to someone in there, it'll tell them whatever we want them to see," I smiled, letting go of Rose.

"But we have to hurry, we have to find out where we are and what they want with the Doctor." Rose added. "But we can't go yet, we have to wait 'til we stop moving then we'll get out," she added.

"Yeah, you're right." I said. "Well get comfy then, we don't know how long this'll take." I added.


We were all sat around the console, hoping that the TARDIS would stop some time soon. It was only a short while, but watching the seconds tick by on my phone was painful. Suddenly, the TARDIS halted. It was a rough stop, one that actually threw me off the chair, but it stopped. We all jumped up.

"Has it- did it stop?" Chase asked. The three of us ran to the door. Rose opened it ever so slightly, we were being lifted in the air. We suddenly hit the ground, with a thump and stopped. Rose tentatively stepped out, looking both ways to check for others. She waved for us to exit the TARDIS as well.

When we stepped out of the TARDIS we found ourselves tucked away in the corner of a factory floor. We quickly dodged out of the way of two men talking, we tried to go the other way but two soldiers approach. We crouched down, waiting until they were gone. Rose saw a discarded lab coat and put it on.

"What about me and Chase?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, um. Try and blend in?" she said, gritting her teeth.

"Try and blend-? Rose?" I asked, shocked at those words. "I'm seventeen, how do I blend in?" I asked.

Chase looked around. "Look over there, those people aren't wearing lab coats." He said, pointing to people wearing formal clothes.

"Yes Chase, but they're in suits. I'm wearing a Nirvana shirt, denim shorts and fishnets." I replied. Rose let out a giggle and Chase rolled his eyes.

"Okay, well. Oh," he said, before running into the TARDIS.

"What is he?"

"No idea," I replied.

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