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She woke alone in the clinic. Her throat hurt and she couldn't see anyone. Passion. Where was he? Why wasn't he here with her? Was there still issues with Blaine? What happened to him? Did they arrest him? Kill him? What happened? What about her sister and the babies? Where were they? Are they okay?

Her heart started to race as panic set in. She looked around her, trying to find any sign of anyone in the room. She couldn't smell Passion. She couldn't smell anyone. She moved to sit up and felt a pull in her hand. She looked down, and saw that she had an IV in the back of her hand. Without thinking, she pulled it out of her hand. She stepped down, just as the door opened and Ari came in.

"What are you doing? Get back in bed." Ari demanded of her.

"Passion. I need to find him." She says.

"I will send for him. Just get back in bed." Ari tells her.

Reluctantly, she gets in bed. She lets Ari reinsert the IV in her other hand and she waits as Ari does whatever a doctor does. She lays there, trying not to be irritated.

She wants Passion. She wants to know if the babies are alright. She wants to know if her sister is okay. On top of that, her throat is burning, She swallows and pain erupts in her throat.

Ari must notice because she looks at her before leaving the room and coming back in with a small spray bottle.

"I sent for Passion." She says as she holds up the bottle. "This is a throat spray. It will numb your throat."

Chastity nods and opens her mouth. Ari sprays the nasty tasting liquid into her throat and almost instantly the pain starts to dissipate. By the time it sets in, Ari has left the room and she is once again alone.

She lays her head back against the bed and closes her eyes. Why is she alone? What is going on?

But as she starts to think those things, the door opens. She lifts her head and smiles when she sees Passion walking in.

"I am so sorry you woke up alone. I feel terrible." He says as he comes to her.

He places a kiss on her forehead and pulls her against his chest. She wraps her arms around his torso and squeezes him. She doesn't want to let him go. Now that she has him here she doesn't want to let him go.

She cant help but think about how close she came to dying. She cant help but think about how she went against what he said to do and opened the door. She cant help but feel guilty for doing something that Passion didn't want her to do.

Why did she open the door? Because she heard fear in her sisters voice. She didn't want her sister to get hurt or be alone. Even if they hadn't spoken since she told Passion the truth about what happened to her. She knew she needed to protect her sister at all costs. She didn't want whatever was out there to get her sister.

Does she regret opening that door for her sister? No. She protected her sister. Even if that meant she got hurt herself. She protected her sister. After all, she knows first hand what Blaine is capable of. She knows that he doesn't hesitate to hurt someone close to someone. She knows that if she hadn't opened that door, he would have killed her sister, or worse kidnapped her.

She shakes her head, against Passions chest. She cant think about that now. She is sure that Passion and the warriors took care of Blaine. She is sure that she doesn't have to worry about him ever again.

"What happened? After... After you showed up?" She asks Passion as she pulls back from his embrace.

"Well, I kicked his ass. I beat the shit out of him. Then I came here with you. I needed to make sure you were alright." He says.

"What happened to the babies? Charity? Did they get away?" She asks him.

He nods. "Yes, she snuck out the nursery window and came straight to the clinic. She was hidden in a soundproof room with the babies until the threat passed." He tells her.

She smiles at that. At least her sister got the babies to safety. She was worried that she had been captured.

"He... He said that the babies were his." She says, unsure of how to read his expression.

"I know. He supposedly married my sister and when he turned violent she brought me the babies. Appearently he... He killed her because he wanted them and she wouldn't tell him where they were." Passion says. "Don't worry. Nothing is going to come between us and those babies."

She nods. Why hasn't he mentioned Blaine? What happened? Should she ask him? Should she leave it alone? She doesn't know. But a part of her wants to know what happened to him. After all, he was the one who tortured her directly and indirectly for years. He was the monster who stole their money from them, even if Passion and Rage got it back. She wants to know but doesn't want to ask.

"Look, there is something I need to tell you." Passion says, pulling her out of her thoughts. "But just know that I had nothing to do with this. Alright?"

Unsure of what to think she just nods and waits for him to speak.

"Well, after I beat Blaine, I left him with a few of my fellow warriors. I came straight here. Something happened, none of us know what exactly happened, but Blaine... He... He... He got away." He tells her.

"He what? How could he have gotten away?" She demands.

She is both scared and pissed off at the same time. How could these warriors have let him get away? How could someone who was supposedly beaten badly get away? How could this happen? Is Blaine out there waiting for another chance to get at her? Is he out there waiting to get to the babies? What is he planning to do?

"Look, I don't know what exactly happened, but he got away while his guards were distracted by a few of his warriors. There was no patrol on the boarder because of the fact that there was fighting going on within the compound. I was here with you because I didn't want you to wake alone. They promised me they had this, and they let him get away." He says. "I am not happy about this either, but just know, that Rage and I are working on a way to search for him. We are putting together a search grid and a few warriors will be tasked with searching those areas daily. He wont get the chance to hurt us again. I promise you."

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