twenty three - dream

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the bright glow of my phone screen casts dark shadows around my room as it signals a message. i lay still, content with the sound of my breathing in the silent atmosphere. another sleepless night, i've been sitting here just staring at my screen, defeated as the 'read' sign underneath my last message to george mocks me. eventually, i slumped down beneath the covers, telling myself i deserve the ignorance. an odd breeze whisks through the air, and i feel my irritation growing slowly. i groan, rolling onto my side and reaching out for my phone with heavy hands.

my eyes take a while to adjust to the light of my screen, but my blurry eyes catch a glimpse of george's contact name, and i wait in agonising impatience to finally read a reply from him. however, my heart only sinks at his message.

'explain another time, i'm going home.'

my brows knit together in confusion, home? i set my phone down on my stomach, lying my head back down onto the cool surface of my pillow. a moment passes, and everything is still. my curtains ripple gently in the delicate winds of the night, and a soft glow peeks through the gap, shining a thin line through my room. i appreciate the quietness here, no cars passing, nobody on the street, not even a bird is present to disrupt the peacefulness.

'home?' i type back, and wait for a new reply.


and with that simple word, my peace breaks, 'england?? wait.'

'yeah, things to do.'

i feel my heart pick up it's pace, a new energy settling in the atmosphere. i extend a hand out and grasp the cup of water on my bedside table, suddenly in desperate need of a drink. the spike of nerves relax slightly as the cool liquid soothes a path down my throat. setting the cup back, i pick up my phone once again, and hit 'call.'

after a painstakingly long amount of time, he finally picks up, and i don't hide the shock in my voice when i speak, "england?" i ask again in disbelief, "why the hell are you going to england?"

i listen to his even pants from the other end, and my mind wanders as i work out what he's doing, "why the hell do you care?" he asks, bitterly.

i roll my eyes, unable to contain the sarcasm which laces my voice, "ah, there's that attitude i missed, oh, so much."

"are you seriously doing this again?"

i exhale, "doing what?"

i throw my covers back, the cold air nipping at my exposed torso as i get out of bed and begin pacing around my room. my feet take me over to my window, and i stare outside trying to push the anger back down as i feel it threaten to burst.

"arguing!" he exclaims, as if it were obvious.

i scoff, "it takes two to-" my sentence gets cut off by a loud buzz, and i grunt in annoyance. i spin, launching my phone onto my bed, and storm toward the door. i can't believe he hung up on me.

although i get the sudden urge to punch something, i manage to fight it, knowing the way it'll scar with the cuts and bruises already scattered over my knuckles from a few days ago. i let my mind recall the events which took place that night, george and i's first argument. after i almost broke my hand, i called britt over in spite, but she ended up helping me out hugely.

britt arrived, and we hooked up- however, i found myself unable to enjoy it, though it helped with the anger. i sent her home, and gave myself the rest of the night to think hard.

and after wasting the entire night stuck in my own head, i managed to figure something out.

a light emits from my phone, and it pulls me out of my thoughts. i grab it, skimming over the contact name as i read the message. my anger is quickly replaced with hurt, as i frown at the words on my screen. for a moment, i try to convince myself he doesn't mean it, and he's just mad at me still; but my heart tells me different.

'and btw, you're right. we do need space.'

not this much.


word count: 782
*in editing*
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the first chapter is out of my new story 'flower gardens' on ao3. if you have an account, and would like to check it out, please do! i'm actually very excited and have lots of plans for it! i'm also pretty proud of the first chapter (':
(my user is tearyangel)

i will also be uploading it here at some point for those of you who don't have ao3!

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