Ch 43: Attachment

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I had to insist to Jacob the entire ride home that I was in fact okay with the breakup with Jared. At first, he didn't seem so convinced since I still had tears in my eyes, but I assured him that it was fine.

"So," I began awkwardly, "what do you think?"

He raised an eyebrow, clearly confused by my question. I told myself over and over again what an idiot I was. I couldn't understand why I was bringing this up at all. I swore to myself I would never try saying anything to Jacob about how I felt.

"What do you mean?" he replied, concern clear in his tone.

I took a deep breath. "I mean, what do you think about me breaking up with Jared?" I blushed.

Once again, it looked as though he didn't fully understand what I was asking him. He definitely didn't understand the insinuation behind my question.

"Well, I guess, I'm sad for you because I think that any guy who would break up with you must be an idiot. I also am happy for you I guess, since you say that you wanted to end the relationship anyway."

I frowned, but he didn't see because he was too focused on driving. "Oh, okay."

"What's wrong?" he sounded genuinely worried that he had upset me in some way.

I shook my head. "Nothing Jake. I'm just really glad that I have you." You coward! I chastised myself.

He smiled. "Thanks Ness. But, believe me, I'm even more grateful for you."

Once we arrived home, I noticed a familiar shiny car in the driveway. Alice and Jasper! They had come sooner than I had expected apparently. I rushed inside to greet them, and I wasn't disappointed.

"Alice! Jasper!" I exclaimed, rushing to give them both a hug.

"So good to see you Renesemee!" cooed Alice in her sing-song voice.

"When did you guys get in?" I asked.

"They got here about an hour ago," answered Edward, holding Bella's hand casually.

"We are about to go get settled in at the guest cottage," said Jasper.

I nodded. "Okay, cool. How long do you guys think you'll be staying?"

Alice's mouth formed a crooked line. "I'm not sure yet. Either way we'll all be up in Canada in December for Rosalie and Emmet's wedding, so we'll see how things are by then."

"You're still planning the wedding?" I blurted out.

She laughed. "Of course! I can plan from down here. It's not going to be very many people anyway."

I gave a look to both my parents who shrugged.

"Okay," was all I managed to say.

"But," Alice continued, "After I'm done unpacking, I would like to talk to you Renesemee."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Me?"

"Yes, you. There are some things I think I need to tell you."

This made me nervous. Whenever Alice needed to tell anyone anything in this way, it was never terribly good news. I could see out of the corner of my eye, Edward was giving Alice a look. I couldn't quite place what he was trying to convey to her, but I never liked when I saw Edward giving looks to people. It always indicated to me that there was something he didn't want me to know. If there was something Edward didn't want me to know, then I more than anything wanted to know what it was.

"Alright," I replied. "We could take a walk?"

She nodded. "Perfect!"

"Are you sure that's such a good idea?" Jacob interjected. "What if those blood suckers are still out there? I don't think it's a good idea for Ness to be roaming around the woods."

"It's alright, Jacob," said Alice. "I'll be with her, and I don't see them coming after us.

"Are you sure?" he demanded.

"Jacob, Alice knows what she's talking about," said Bella, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"And besides," continued Alice. "We won't be very far from the house anyway. I promise she's in safe hands."

It seemed funny to me that Alice had to reassure Jacob more than even my own parents that I would be safe. I never noticed that kind of behavior in Jacob before, or at least I never thought much of it. It had been like this my own life, so naturally I had grown used to it. However, as time had gone on, especially after I started going to school, I noticed more and more that Jacob and I had some kind of attachment that I doubt either one of us could explain. Then again, there were a lot of things nobody ever told me, so maybe there was an explanation I was being shielded from knowing. I brushed it off and told myself that I was just being paranoid. Jacob would never keep secrets from me. But, the thought struck me that Jacob was going to tell me something the other day, and it seemed like it would be important, before he was interrupted. I desperately hoped that he hadn't lost his nerve or changed his mind about talking to me. I suddenly wanted to know what he was going to say more than I wanted to know anything.

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