Chp29-Sick day

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"I knew it" Tatsuya thought to himself as he looked at the thermometer.

Due to over working Tatsuya had caught a fever.

3 days later:

"Mayumi keeps inviting me out but i can barely take care of myself right now. Not to mention she is busy learning from her farther about the things she will manage as heir and her college work. I can't call Miyuki since she is the same as Mayumi. Masaki is busy helping out Miyuki and his sister and I dont want to bother anyone from school" Tatsuya thought to himself.

A week later:

Mayumi reads through her messages with Tatsuya "I havent seen him all week. Usually he always accepts my offer when it comes to hanging out but he keeps saying he is busy or he is too tired. Maybe I should pay him a surprise visit, he did give me his house keys...... well I mean, I took his house keys, and this is a good time to use them." She thought to herself.

Within an hour of making the plan Mayumi arrived outside of Tatsuyas house. She opened the door quietly and examined his house.

The living room was dusty which meant no one had been in it for a while. "Tatsuya?" Mayumi quietly said just before she opened his bedroom door.

Once she opened it she saw Tatsuya bright red and sweating. His sweat coated his skin and drenched his bed sheets. She walks up to him and realises he is sleeping. She also notices that he is wearing the ribbon she gave him around his wrist.

"His shirt is soaked. Should I change it?" Mayumi nervously thought to herself.

As she did so she felt his body. His sweat and clearly weaker body made her even angrier.

"Why didnt he tell anyone?" She thought to herself. She analysed his surrounding and saw his computer and work notes on the side of his bed.

"And he was working!" Mayumi thought. She smiled evily and then woke him up by shaking him roughly.

"Mayumi? What are you doing?" Tatsuya asked gently, still tired.

"Tatsuya, why didnt you tell anyone you were this ill?" Mayumi furiously asked.

"Its not that bad to the point I need to waste anyone elses time" Tatsuya slowly explained

"Look at yourself! Have you felt how overheated and weak your body is?" Mayumi once again furiously yelled.

She then looked at Tatsuya whose eyes were closing and opening slightly as he rested.

"Ok, just go to sleep now. Let me know if you need anything ok?" Mayumi said gently as she kissed his forehead.

Tatsuya nodded and then turned to his side, facing away from her. Mayumi sat on his bedroom floor and thought to herself "I'll have to tell dad so he knows why I'm not attending his lessons. Thank God I brought my college work at least."

At midnight Tatsuya woke up and drank the water that Mayumi prepared for him.

"Where is Mayumi?" He thought to himself.

He scanned the room and then found her on the floor of his room. She had no pillow or blanket with her. She was holding her phone and had some of her work resting on her.

Tatsuya reached out for her hand and grabbed it softly.

"Mayumi? At least sleep on the coach" Tatsuya said to her whilst still holding her hand.

Mayumi who was now awake pushed all her work off her and stood up. She then got in to his bed with him.

"Your going to get ill as well, get out" Tatsuya softly demanded.

"Its ok, my family doctor casted a spell which prevents me from catching your illness" Mayumi said proudly.

"Of course he did, Saegusa princess" Tatsuya sarcastically said quietly.

Mayumi was hugging Tatsuya from behind in his bed so she decided to flick his stomach.

"Why do you call me that?" Mayumi curiously asked.

"Why not?Am I wrong?" Tatsuya justified.

Mayumi thought for a bit and then said "so when I become the clan leader will you call me the 'Saegusa queen'? " mayumi asked.

"No" Tatsuya bluntly replied.

Mayumi sighed and squeezed him harder.

"I noticed you are wearing the ribbon I gave you. Thank you for wearing it" Mayumi said lovingly delivering kisses on his back.

"Yeah, it's fine. I do like how I match with you.... you also like me wearing it right?" Tatsuya weakly muttered

"Of course, now good night" Mayumi gently said. She recieved a nod from Tatsuya and then finally they both fell asleep.

But when Tatsuya woke up he had a terrible surprise in front of him.

He opened his eyes to hear and see a "good morning" by Mayumi who was dressed in a nurse costume.

Not bothered to deal with it Tatsuya turned away and went back to sleep.

"Excuse me Tatsuya kun~, it's time to wake up now" Mayumi decided as she pulled his cheeks.

Tatsuya sat up and Mayumi brushed his hair.

"Today I shall nurse you back to health so that you will be fine by tomorrow" Mayumi announced.

"Its fine, you can go home now. I'm already getting better so its fine" Tatsuya explained.

"I'm going to make you soup" Mayumi said ignoring what Tatsuya said.

"Ah, I wish I could just use my healing magic but if I use it to cure every fever and cold my immune system will grow naturally weaker" Tatsuya thought to himself.

After a couple of minutes Mayumi brought Tatsuyas soup and then sat on his desk.

Tatsuya placed the soap on his lap and listened as Mayumi said "Tatsuya~ can I check your pulse?"

Tatsuya stared at her but then nodded.

Mayumi got out some equipment (Tatsuya didn't know if they were real or fake) and then came closer fo Tatsuya.

She measured his heart rate and then announced "your alive!" In a joking way.

Tatsuya smiled at her and then rubbed her head.

For the rest of the day Mayumi cuddled with him and watched movies.

The next day he was feeling better so he told Mayumi she can now leave.

"Now I have to go back and be responsible and manage loads of tasks" Mayumi complained.

"Dont worry. Your good at it" Tatsuya said kindly before kissing her forehead.

"See you around" he then continued.

Mayumi hummed in agreement and then left.

"Looking after him was fun. Thank God he got better but, Thank God he also doesnt have a doctor that casts spells on him to never make him ill" Mayumi thought to herself.

"Having Mayumi with me made it even harder for my temperature to go down. Maybe I should look into these doctors" Tatsuya robotically thought to himself.

Tatsuya x MayumiOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora