38. Destiny's Game

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Hello my Choco pies, how are you all doing? Take care in the winters, viral fevers are spreading a lot. Keep yourself warm and stay safe. I don't want my lovelies getting prone to anything

I got an offer from Web Novel to shift this story onto that platform but I rejected that as I am getting unconditional love from lovely people over here. If anyone of you has an account in Web Novel please add the book "Trapped Destinies" to your library and give some votes over there

As my lovelies love long updates, here with another 10,010 words

Tripthi's PoV :

Shit... Shit... Shit... what had happened to you Tripthi? Why are you behaving like this? When did you become this stupid? You clearly don't want him in your life, you have a life, few goals which you need to accomplish at any cost, and in between all those you don't want him or anyone. If Dad gets even the slightest idea that you are indulging in these kinds of things your wings will be chopped and you will be locked in the house just like Akka. Forget about Dad, think about you; do you think someone will really want you? Or will they be with you if they know those things? You just can't do this. You saw how happy he was when you claimed him your man and then after realizing the mistake you asked him to go away and when he got ready to step back what took over you and why were you so scared about letting him go when you wanted that? What made you stop him from even saying the word that he is thinking of backing off? Why did you care for him all of a sudden? Remember, he is a stranger and there is a hell lot of differences between you both. He is perfect in every way... Good looking, rich, polite and have a name for himself and when it comes down to you it's perfectly opposite, you are so imperfect and not even a match for someone like him. How can you just blurt out the words of your heart says without even considering the voice of your mind?

I kept questioning myself for behaving so stupid in front of him and losing the opportunity of pushing him away permanently. I never wanted or wished for anyone right then why is my heart caring for him? Am I that characterless that I found a guy who proposed to me and I started giving him a place even when I shouldn't be doing it? Am I that desperate?

"You are not characterless and desperate but stupid for sure. What will happen if you just accept that you do start feeling a little for him and there is no wrong to feel something for a person who is pouring his heart before you. Loving is not a curse like Dad says or Mom projects. You are so worth to be loved, don't bring the past things to mind and stop you from giving a chance. You were pushing him but you never want him to really go away and that is why you pulled him back to the house" heart said

"No, I pulled him back because it started raining and I don't want him to get sick"

"And why don't you want him to get sick? Because you do care for him Tripthi and not me your brain too helped in blurting that out before him. You don't need to push away things based on the past or a few bad incidents. Where did the philosophy of yours, Embracing everything in the world and welcoming every new opportunity without being scared about the result go now? Individual freedom and taking a chance for what you want is not demeaning your parents or being regressive, Understand that?" my heart questioned now

"Stop with your speech right now. I have done enough damage for myself by prioritizing you over my rational mind. I can't show any more stupidity. I know that he won't back off now even if I push him so I will put him in that situations where he won't have any other choice but stepping back"

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