chapter one

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Colonel Phillips has requested Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter amongst several other agents to meet in the conference room for a meeting. "Rogers what do you think the best course of action is for this situation" Steve hadn't been paying attention, well he was but not to the meeting, to her.

Peggy slid her notes across the table to Steve in which he quickly read over and explained what he thought the best course of action was. The colonel didn't notice the dilemma and soon after the meeting was finished a mission had been set.

"Agent Carter" Steve said, Peggy turned around to see Steve holding her notepad "Captain is that my notepad?" Steve smiled and handed it to her "uh-um yea you gave it to me because I kinda wasn't listening to what he was saying an..." she cut him off "I know I saw" she said with a little giggle "thank you for giving it back I have lots of important stuff in here I wouldn't want to lose". Steve stood there embarrassed "I'm sorry agent I didn't know I was staring," he said as a blush crept up his neck.

Peggy chuckled clutching her notebook to her chest, "it's quite alright I saved you from getting in trouble once you have done that several for me... one little thing shouldn't change anything" she said with a smile and walked off. Steve stood there he had had a crush on her from the beginning of the war and surprisingly he still hadn't gotten over it.

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