Chapter 13; H

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Draco was so frustrating. He left Hermione with millions of questions; every time she found another piece of him there was even more to find. He was impossible in the best way. He challenged her. He made the cogs and gears run in her mind, and she needed it.

She had to admit to herself that she had to communicate with him for her own survival. She couldn't keep to herself any longer. As much as she hated him, she couldn't continue down a path of destruction. Her mind couldn't take the silence any longer. The isolation would start affecting her and she couldn't allow that. She had to utilize him.

"Malfoy," she scooted herself near the vent. She figured they should discuss their options.

"Who else would it be?"

"How good are you at wandless magic?" She inquired. She needed to assess his strengths. They had to find a way to survive here. It would be more productive to work together.

"I am fairly efficient at it. What did you have in mind," he said in a calm voice with surprisingly no hint of sarcasm.

"Well, I figured we should try to strengthen ourselves in case we ever need to fight. If there is ever an opportunity to escape, we have to be ready," she explained to him.

Her physical strength had been deteriorating. If there was an opportunity to escape, she wasn't sure that she would be able to make it far, especially without a wand. She had never pushed herself when practicing wandless magic. It required lots of focus and strength. She didn't know how far she could push herself.

"Agreed. How are we to practice defending ourselves alone in our cells," he countered.

She paused for a moment trying to think of a solution. He was right. They needed to be able to practice defending themselves. They needed to be able to spar.

"I suppose until we can find a way into each other's cells then we will just have to deal with it. I will try to brainstorm ideas in the meantime," she told him. Finding a way into each other's cells was a problem for another day.

"Someone is eager to find their way in here," Draco said mocking her. He lacked boundaries and lived to be as annoying as possible.

"Don't be a prat Malfoy, this is purely survival."

"I bet it is," he reeked with sarcasm. Could he not take anything seriously?

"You can stop with the cheekiness," Hermione said unamused. It was tiring having to deal with someone who made it their mission to irritate you.

"Now, why would I want to do that. It obviously gets under your skin Granger. Does it bother you to think of being in such close proximity to me?"

Draco never knew when to leave well enough alone. He always kept pushing until you reached the tipping point.

"Bollocks come off it. I am not like all the girls at Hogwarts fawning over you. Merlin, you have such a big ego," Hermione exasperated.

"That's not the only—," she cut him off before he could finish that sentence.

"Malfoy, if you don't shut it, I will personally come through the wall to beat your arse."

Were they bantering? Hermione shook her head. He was just in a strangely good mood today. She decided not to question it and just be thankful.

"Fine, fine. Should have known a prude like you can't take a joke."

There he was. Classic Draco. This was him in a good mood; poking fun at you until you went mental.

"Yes, I can. You're just being vulgar."

"Funny that you would expect any less, he said.

She could just imagine his smug face in the other room. She wanted to slap the look off of his face.

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