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All of the family members were back from the hospital. Though it was a tough day for them and to take everything so suddenly, they were all happy that Nandana was two months pregnant.

"I still can't believe..." Manav was walking around his room with his hand on his forehead.

"What?" Nandana asked him while looking at the pictures they took at Sejal's wedding.

"That you're pregnant!" Manav said with a creased forehead.

"What? When you administer regularly without any protection then obviously I'll be expectant. Are you afraid to manage so many new responsibilities?" She was confused by Manav's behaviour.

"No! I'm just thinking that...how will I manage almost a year without sex? I had a hard time this past week not touching you," he confessed, scratching his neck with a sad pout.

"Awe, my baby is too cute," she said while pinching his nose. He looked at her with a grumpy face.

"Manav, this is our baby. A symbol of our pure love," she said as she sat on his lap. She wrapped her hands around his neck.

"I know. I love this baby more than anything. But the truth is you are a drug that I'm addicted to," he said while inhaling her fragrance.


Nandana was in her third month of pregnancy.

"Oh, baby, see? Because of you, Mamma is eating like a whale. It's hardly been two hours since I had dinner and I want to eat again," she said to herself while caressing her tummy. Then she turned towards Manav, who was sound asleep. "Daddy is so tired. Let's not wake him up." She ruffled his hair.

Manav woke up from his sleep and didn't find Nandana beside him. He started to look for her. While searching, he found her in the kitchen sitting on the slab eating something. He chuckled at her antics.

He went near her. "You should have woken me up" He placed his head on her shoulder.

"You looked so tired and also were in a deep sleep. So the baby and I decided not to wake you," she explained, not looking at him while she enjoyed her dish.

"What is this special dish that you are eating that you can't even give me a glance?" he asked her with a frown on his face. She took a spoonful of the item from the bowl and placed it in front of his mouth. He smiled and ate it.

The next moment he choked and started to cough. Tears formed in his eyes. "What the fuck are you eating?!" he yelled at her.

She cackled at him. "You must have the good taste to appreciate it," she said and again started to eat.

But then Manav snatched it from her. "What the hell is this?" he again asked but he didn't shout at her this time.

She pouted. "Okay, fine. I haven't named this item yet. It is a mixture of chocolate ice cream, papad, mango pickle, and tomato sauce," she listed. She then snatched the bowl from him and started to eat.

He nodded his head. "Complete this and come to the bedroom straight away. Don't try any new food mixtures. I'm going. I can't see or eat this incredible thing," he said in a sarcastic tone and left.

"See baby, your daddy is talking too much. How dare he say that this dish is weird. I think I should give him some punishment. Then he will behave properly," she said to herself while munching on her dish.

When she made it to their bedroom, she found him sound asleep. She poured a jug full of water on his face, which was placed on the table. He suddenly woke up from his deep sleep with a jerk.

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