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🌷Chapter 4🌷

     The following day at the tavern, she was greeted with stares. She knew she won't be left alone without giving an explanation of yesterday's events.
"So..?" Lilith pressed her on with a raised eyebrow.
"No, my son was not taken away to be thrown into the military."

Her fellow workers and customers release a unified sigh of relief.
"Thank the gods." Breathed Lilith as she clutched her flat chest dramatically.

"I had his shoes cleaned up, served him tea, and he had forgiven me and my son." She explained, "I appreciate your concerns, now worry not. My son and I are safe.."


    It had been two weeks since the incident, she hadn't seen nor heard from him during that time. Why would she care?

I'll be borrowing this book

Those words gave her a glint of hope that he'd come. The book he borrowed was the famous Romeo and Juliet from the playwrite William Shakespeare.

It had always been a favourite of hers..

      Into her day of work, swabbing floors, filling drinks and scrubbing pots, it was an entirely normal day in her eyes.
That was until the lively chatter and laughter mysteriously died down.

Orletha, in the shock she wss in, could have dropped her tray full of iron plates and cutlery as she saw those sapphire eyes in the doorway.

Why is he here? Of all places..?

    He took a seat nearest to the door, his elbow on the table and his cheek on his closed, gloved fist.
Orletha took a deep breath before approaching his table with the iron tray held against her busty chest.
"Good day Duke Howard, welcome to Olga's Tavern. Anything you'd like?"
"Lemongrass." He uttered. He wanted the lemon grass tea, the tea she made for him two weeks ago.

"Yes, now excuse me as I go get your order." She bowed slightly before rushing off to the back.
She grabbed a kettle and filled it a handfull of dried lemongrass and tap water.
"What did he want?" Her female workers came peeping over her shoulder.
"Lemongrass tea."
"That's odd."

She took out a porcelain cup and teapot from the shelf, they were only used if high class guests are to be served. She put them on the tray and went over to his table where he waited.

Placing a cup before him, she poured him a cup full. "Anything else?"
"No." He said.
"Alright then, I'll be.." She was about to walk off when he held her skirt.
"I'll be visiting you this afternoon, if you don't mind." He said in a low tone.
"Oh, sure." She nodded as she gripped the tray tighter, her sweaty palms were making it hard to hold.

He let her go and the flustered Orletha retreated to the counter where Lilith took the tray away from her. Once she looked back at him, he was gone. All that was left is some gold coins, more than the cost of what he ordered.


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