3 - Mates

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Since the Alpha squashed our chances of conversation, I let my mind wander through my hopes for my mate. It was hard for me to pull my mind off of it. Firstly, I didn't care about his ranking. Every girl has a secret longing for her mate to be an Alpha. I don't deny having that longing, but I know that my position as Delta has revealed a lot to me about those Alphas and how tough their jobs are. Even their mates have to work hard to keep the pack running, which is a lot of responsibility. Damir and I see the weight on Alpha Sebastian's shoulders, especially now that he no longer has Luna Lucy.

I would be content with being a Beta's mate. Beta females have significant responsibilities toward caring for the elders and the injured, but I could handle that. I love interacting with my fellow pack members, and getting to help by tending to wounds seems highly appealing to me. The Luna or the Second Alpha got to spend time with the pack's children, though, and that also seemed like an enjoyable duty.

I shook my head and tried to remove the thought of being the mate of an Alpha. I would know by now if I was an Alpha's mate. They would have smelled me by then. A deep growl vibrated the room, and within seconds I had a notification on my phone from my brother. I answered the call and spoke in a calm voice over the phone.

"Is everything alright in there, Alena? I felt the door shake." Damir's calming voice came over the phone.

I nodded, then realized he couldn't see me, and responded, "everything is fine, just a growl. I'm guessing it was from Alpha Prince Griffin; it wasn't familiar to me."

Another deep growl nearly cuts off the end of my sentence, and I force myself to keep from glaring in the direction of the growl.

"Alena, you know what you need to do if it gets out of hand," Damir said. I quickly responded affirmatively, then ended the call. I stood and moved to position myself near the door, but a deep voice ordered me back to my seat.

"Delta Alena, return to your seat immediately. Reinforcements will not be necessary." Though he was not my Alpha, Alpha Lawrence still held power to send me to my place. I made my way back to my seat, quickly texting an update to Damir about what was happening. Luna Hannah's eyes glazed over, and Alpha Avalon's posture changed. It appeared that they were communicating. Avalon stood and walked toward me.

"Hannah's mate informed her that the situation is beginning to go downhill. Inform Damir to unblock the path to the clearing outside. This may get serious." I relayed the message to Damir, who immediately did as instructed. Hannah stood and walked to stand by me, and Avalon stood, rooted on my left.

I turned to look at Hannah, making eye contact. It probably was disrespectful to most, but she could see the concern written across my face, and she disregarded it. "Am I in danger?" I whispered out, not taking my eyes off of her.

"Alena, can you sense your mate in this room?" Avalon asked in a hushed tone. But, unfortunately, he wasn't quiet enough for his mate not to hear him, and Violet's head swiveled toward us at lightning speed. Her eyes flashed cloudy and clear, showing she was going back and forth between the meeting and the conversation I was in with her mate.

I shook my head. "I haven't... I just... Luna Hannah, I don't have a sense of smell." Violet turned her head back toward the circle, and her eyes became wholly cloudy again.

"How long have you been missing your sense of smell? Have you seen Dr. Huxley about it?" Alpha Avalon asked, his hand going around my shoulder.

My eyes widened in fear. "I can't see Dr. Huxley, and you're the first one's that I've told. It's been gone since I was 17. I can smell in my wolf form, but I haven't been in my wolf form for many moon cycles. I believe it's been six months since I've been in my wolf form."

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