12 - Rest

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It felt like the tension in the room had skyrocketed. Even Griffin felt tense behind me, and I rested my hand on his knee to calm him slightly. His hand covered mine, and he gently rubbed my knuckles, comforting me. I slightly wished I had accepted Griffin's offer for something more potent than simply water in my glass.

"Alena, have we met before? Griffin told us that you were the Delta of the Riverkeepers," King Brennan asked, resting his glass on his knee.

"I was the Delta of the Riverkeepers, along with my brother Damir. He was most likely the one you interacted with most, but yes, I do believe we've met on multiple occasions." I smiled, sipping my water. Griffin's hand squeezed mine, signaling that I gave the correct answer.

Queen Lux looked slightly confused. "You appear too young to be in a Delta position."

"I'm barely eighteen," I laughed. "You are correct to assume I'm too young. I began taking on tasks at seventeen, but my brother began taking the heavy load of delta work when I was sixteen, and he was nineteen." Griffin grasped my hand tightly. "My parents died when I was sixteen."

"We are so sorry to hear that, Alena."

I shrugged. "My pack lost a lot that night, but Damir threw himself into work, and it was a smooth transition. Only people who knew the Riverkeepers leadership team well knew the shift of power from father to son."

The king nodded. "Riverkeepers has been lucky to have you as their delta. Speaking of positions, you are now the Alpha of the Frostclaws and the Luna princess." He looked gently in my direction. "Griffin told us that he and the elders have decided on a title for you, but he hasn't told us quite yet."

"Mom, Dad, Alena has been decided as the AlphaLuna, retaining both roles as my mate and princess and as the Alpha of Frostclaw." Griffin smiled and squeezed my hand. "As the first one in history, it was a bit of work getting the elders to decide on a single title, but they seemed quite content with it."

"It's not our place to approve or deny it because the elders' decision goes above our heads. Regardless we are glad to have you as part of our family, Alena." Queen Lux said.

"Thank you, Queen Lux."

"Please, Alena, don't be afraid to call us mom and dad, or just Lux and Brennan. As a royal, there are no formalities necessary." I blushed and nodded at King Brennan's words.

"Our names mean the same thing, Lux," I spoke softly, and she tilted her head towards me. "They both mean light. Yours is French, and mine is Slavic." I smiled.

"Damir tells me that my dear love has a bit of an obsession with names."

My jaw dropped, and I swiveled to face my mate. "It is not an obsession, and I'll be sure to make sure Damir knows it." I turned back towards Brennan and Lux. "I find names interesting, especially the ones that tell stories or are a bit ironic." I smiled. "Names related to mythology are my favorite, probably because my mother named my wolf after a Norse goddess."

"I named Griffin's after a Norse god."

I grinned widely, becoming more comfortable in conversation. "And in the myths, our two end up married. Odin and Skadi."

"The goddess of winter and wolves." Brennan smiled. "Your mother was a brilliant woman."

"I like to think so too." My cheeks turned up in a sad smile. "Please, excuse me for just a second. I need to run to the restroom." I set my glass on a coaster on the gorgeous wood coffee table, then stood and made my way to the bedroom. I walked through the bedroom and into our private bathroom. I went to the bathroom and took care of my business, then stared at myself in the mirror after washing my hands.

The Value of A Name - One Delta's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now