8 - Waiting

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Prince Griffin's POV:

I watched my mate fall to the ground, barely out of my grasp. If I had been two steps closer, she would have been in my arms. The thump that I heard when she hit the floor echoed in my brain until I had her in my arms. I begged her to wake up, but I couldn't cry. Not in front of all of the Alphas of my kingdom. I lifted her into my arms and carried her toward the Royal grounds, knowing that we were closer to my land's hospital than any of the others. Even though I was bruised and bleeding from a severe challenge, none of that pain mattered to me. My mate was in my arms and unconscious, and that was my main problem.

Once I entered the royal grounds, guards surrounded me. Once they recognized who I was, one ran ahead to warn the hospital to prepare, and I took off in a sprint behind him. The others stayed in a tight pack around me.

The run to the hospital took no longer than three minutes, but it felt like an eternity with the weight of my mate's life resting in my arms. Upon depositing her in a hospital bed and being ushered to a corner of the room, I mind linked the Alphas we had just left.

**Is someone taking care of the body? Is anyone taking it to his family and allowing them to prepare it for the fire ceremony?**

**We've got it covered, Alpha. Please focus on Luna Alena for us, and keep us updated. Once we get our business taken care of in Nightclaw and Riverkeepers, we will join you on the royal grounds with your permission.** Sebastian responded.

*I've got my eye on Alena. Someone send Damir over and call for Silas and Hannah. She's familiar with them and will be comfortable seeing Hannah.**

**Understood and handled, Alpha**

The link closed between the group of Alphas and myself. For all I know, they could have been in a new link without me. It didn't matter because my dear mate was lying on a hospital bed, and there was nothing I could do to repair her.

They had her hooked up to different tubes and wires, and I was relieved to see the heartbeat monitor and even more because the heartbeat was strong. The doctor looked at me, whispered a direction to a nurse, then walked over to the corner where I sat.

"Prince Griffin, it appears that she is going to be okay. Unfortunately, she was severely dehydrated, and it seems her body couldn't tolerate it anymore. Was there anything specific that triggered this, or was it just a faint?" The doctor asked, looking down towards me.

I nodded. "Alena is her name, and she was just honored as the new Alpha of Frostclaw. Caelan challenged me and fell, but Alena took the kill and is now the Alpha. I'm guessing the power surge and the dehydration, along with the fact that she killed someone, overwhelmed her. She hit the ground hard when she fell."

The doctor grinned. "She must be very important to you for you to give her the kill during a challenge, especially one that releases an Alpha position."

"She is my mate, your Luna Princess." I smiled at the girl in the hospital bed. Even though she was not awake, she was still stunning.

She had a simple kind of beauty. Her brown hair, though knotted from the run, laid like a halo around her head. Her lightly toned skin looked paler than usual. Her hands were dainty and clean, something rare for a wolf.

"Where is she? She's my sister; let me see her!" I heard her brother's voice from the hall and walked to greet him.

I looked at her brother. He was only an inch or so shorter than me, and we seemed slightly similar, but his hazel eyes were a contrast to my sapphire.

"Alpha Griffin," Damir said, dipping his head low. "How is she?"

"She's alive and being rehydrated. She was severely dehydrated. We also think the transferral of powers was overwhelming." I looked toward the room. "You can come to see her if you like. And don't worry about calling her a title or anything. She's your sister before she's the princess." I stood outside the room while he went in.

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