16 - Attempt

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I walked into the house first, nodding to my guards to dismiss them. Griffin did the same with his guards, and I was quick to drop my purse on the table inside the door. Griffin's arms wrapped around me, and I leaned my back against his chest. He shut the door, and I breathed out slowly.

"You're not allowed to leave me, Griff." I frowned. "I didn't like it."

Griffin kissed the back of my head. "It was only one day, my love." He rubbed my arms.

Chills ran down my back, all the way to my toes. Griffin's touch was electric to me, and I had to step away to clear my brain.

"A lot happened while you were gone." I walked toward the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle, moving to the couch to sit down. "I've met with everyone that was on my schedule, plus a meeting with your dad, and I've gotten to know my guards, at least the ones that were here." I groaned. "I also talked to every Alpha or Beta of our kingdom and have updates on their individual situations."

He walked from the kitchen with a glass of wine. "Wow, Little Wolf, you've worked hard while I was gone." He kissed the top of my head and dropped into the recliner. I pulled my feet out of my shoes and settled them onto the couch.

"What did you meet with dad about?" He asked, slowly drinking the red liquid.

"The AlphaLuna position." I groaned. "Oh, Griff, it's so much." I let my head fall onto the couch, almost laying completely flat.

Griffin sat forward in the chair. "Alena, if you don't want to do it..." The phone ringing cut him off. He stood and took off to the office, shutting the door behind him. I sighed and stood, walking to the bedroom. I grabbed a pajama set out of the closet, consisting of a simple pair of shorts and a thin tank top.

I quickly changed and walked to the bathroom, grabbed my hairbrush, and carried it to the living room. I was hoping to get Griffin to brush my hair as he had just a few days prior.

Walking into the living room, though, I froze. Griffin was tensed, holding onto the back of the recliner with both hands.

"Griffin, honey, is everything okay?"

His head snapped up to look at me, and his eyes were darker than usual. Either his wolf or his Alpha side was in control, and I didn't know which was worse.

"Griff-" A snarl cut me off. Alpha side was in control. Odin could take misuse of names, and Alpha Griffin couldn't.

"Alpha Griffin, please sit down."

He stared me down. "Don't tell me what to do, Luna." His eyes color swarmed, and I could see that he was trying to regain control.

"You don't have to. I'm just asking." I held my hands up defensively and walked towards him slowly. "What was the phone call about?"

Skadi's voice jumped in my head as a snarl filled the room, making the walls shake. **Even Odin is mad, Alena. He said to call for King Brennan and Queen Lux** I cleared my mind and linked my guards to send for the King and Queen urgently.

"Alpha, I'm sorry if I've done something to upset you, but I need you to tell me what happened on the phone." Griffin stepped closer, attempting to assert dominance. I refused to back down, making him upset.

You're not quite strong enough to challenge him and win. Brennan's voice echoed in my ears.

"I should have done this a week ago," Griffin said, stalking towards me. His eyes were nearly black at this point. I knew what he was coming to do, and I had to stop him.

Griffin wanted to mark me forcefully. But, if he did it, it wouldn't heal properly for years, and we would be left with a reminder of one night of anger.

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