9 - Remembering

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Alena's POV:

My hearing returned first, which didn't surprise me at all. In the books, it's always the hearing that comes back first. Next, my touch, and I barely wiggled my fingers against the cloth on my lap. I was still in my blue dress. It's going to be ruined, and I'll have to get a new one. I stretched my eyelids, attempting to open my eyes.

My eyes slowly blinked open, and I looked around the room. I'm in a hospital. I hope someone can explain this to me because I surely don't understand.

I saw a handsome man at my side, and he appeared to be relieved that I was awake. He leaned toward me, and I unconsciously leaned more toward him. I swiftly moved my head to the door.

"Where's my brother? Where's Damir?" I asked in a panic. The attractive man's face fell. He was so familiar, yet I wasn't able to place his name or our relationship.

Damir appeared at the door, and I nearly sighed in relief. He came to my side, and I reached for his hand, then turned to the man sitting next to me. Following Damir into the room came a doctor.

"I'm sorry, can you give us a few minutes? I have some questions for my brother, some private questions."

My eyes shot to my brother to make sure I wasn't saying anything wrong, but his face didn't change, and I looked back to the man next to me. "I truly mean no offense, sir."

The man nodded and moved to stand in the doorway.

"Alena, how are you feeling?" Damir asked.

I sighed. "I'm a bit weak and very much confused. Where am I? Who is the man in the doorway?"

Damir took the seat where the man had been sitting. "Yesterday was a long day, Alena. Do you remember anything that happened yesterday?"

"I remember there was a meeting of the Alphas that we were rushed about, but I don't remember anything after that."

The doctor walked to monitors beside my head. "Are you feeling sick at all, Alena?"

"Only thirsty, sir." I smiled politely. "Physically, I'm fine."

The doctor nodded. "You were severely dehydrated and overwhelmed. It was no wonder you passed out. We're surprised that you stayed standing for as long as you did."

"Thank you for your help in caring for me," I said quietly, looking to Damir for some help.

"Doctor, you can go give Prince Griffin an update and send him to rest. Alena needs time to recover and remember what happened." The doctor nodded and left to the hall, the man at the doorway following him.

"Damir, who is that man? Is that Prince Griffin?"

Damir nodded. "That is Prince Griffin, but you know him better as Griff."

My jaw dropped. "I'm on a nickname basis with Prince Griffin? How?"

"You, dear sister, have a lot to catch up on."

Damir walked me through the events of the day, moving from escaping the meeting room, shifting for the first time in months, stopping fights between Alphas, watching Alpha Caelan challenging Prince Alpha Griffin, and finally ending with my passing out after the challenge was over.

I felt like I was missing something from the story, but I trusted Damir's words.

"I'm Princess Luna?" I leaned back against the pillow. It was a lot of information to take in.

Damir nodded. "You really are, little sister." I felt my eyes growing weaker, and I pulled the blanket up to my chin.

"What time is it?"

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