4 - Luna

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Damir wrapped his arms tightly around me. I knew there was no way he was letting go of me any time soon. The growls from the two Alphas were a significant signal of their desire to get me away from him, but he wasn't budging, and I didn't want him to.

"Men, is there any way we could keep this civil? Alena doesn't want anyone to get hurt." Damir called out. Griffin squinted in our direction, and I squirmed under his gaze.

"Luna Alena, can you sense your mate?"

I bowed my head to my Alpha. "I cannot, Alpha Sebastian. I have no sense of smell outside of my wolf form."

"Make her shift, and the true identity of her mate will become clear." Alpha Calliope called out.

The Prince turned to stare down the female Alpha. "My mate should not have to shift to prove this liar wrong, Calliope."

She ducked her head. "My apologies, Prince Griffin."

I rushed toward Alpha Calliope. "May I speak to you, Alpha Calliope, privately?"

She nodded, and I led her to the side of the clearing, making sure to stand so that she could see the other Alphas, not fearing having my back to them.

"I don't know if I can shift, Alpha. I haven't shifted in at least half of a year, and I wasn't strong or healthy then. My wolf has been all but dormant. She's not well, especially since the passing of my father." Alpha Calliope nodded.

"Luna, you don't have to have a strong wolf to be able to discover which one is your mate. She will know."

I dipped my head. "What if she's not good enough for them? They know my human form is strong enough. They've seen my work today in organizing this and commanding crowds. My wolf, she... I don't think she can do it. She can't be a luna."

Alpha Calliope wrapped her arms around me, holding me to her chest. I was grateful for the shield, so when small sobs wracked my body, they weren't open to the public to see. "Alena, you already are a Luna. You aren't leaving here today without being a Luna. You are going to be great."

I nodded into her chest but was shook out of my feelings and turned to face the open clearing when growls were thrown back and forth. The Alphas had lost their grip on Alpha Caelan, and he ran at Prince Griffin, his fist flying toward Griffin's face.

I screamed in horror but watched as Griffin caught Caelan's fist and threw a punch of his own. Caelan's shoulder flew back at the impact, but he quickly readied himself to fight more. Calliope held me up as we watched the men circle each other.

"Calliope, I don't know if I can watch, but I don't know if I could turn away." Calliope nodded, her chin brushing the top of my head.

"Luna, all is going to be well. Damir, call your warriors to surround Alena." Damir called for the young warriors to circle the new Luna and the female Alpha. They all stood with their backs to the women, Damir joining the circle closest to the Alphas.

"Luna, no matter what happens today, you are going to do great. So tell me, please, what do you believe is the best thing a Luna can do?"

"My favorite thing about Lunas is the way they get to interact with children."

Calliope grinned. "You like children?"

"More than almost anything. I love people in general, but there's just something so sweet and special about children. They're so easy to entertain. When I was younger and had time, I would spend time at the pack daycare, simply reading stories to the children. They loved it, and I'm told they asked for me for days after I would read to them."

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