13 - Friends

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"Pizza!" Calliope yelled as we left the office. We walked to the breakfast bar, where Griffin had opened the boxes and set out paper plates. We all filled our plates and grabbed sodas from the fridge, then walked to the living room. Like always, they watched for me to begin eating before they would take their first bite. We all ate and talked, telling stories and making jokes.

My heart hurt because Calliope knew Griffin wanted to be marked, and I didn't. I wanted him to be comfortable with telling me what he wants. I'm his mate and will be his wife, and I wish he could be content with telling me.

I shook off the hurt and brought myself back to the conversation.

"Alena will be visiting Frostclaw soon, and she might have time to swing by and say hello when she does." The Gravecrest pack, Calliope's pack, bordered Frostclaw, and it wasn't far to visit.

"That sounds wonderful! I would love that." Calliope smiled. "I do need to be heading out, though. I hate traveling late at night. I'm glad you've recovered from passing out, Alena."

We all stood and walked to the front door and said our goodbyes.

Seeing Calliope leave was no fun. She and Griffin reminded me that I could call her often and that she would be back for the AlphaLuna ceremony, but it didn't feel the same to me. I cried as she left, and Griffin held me tightly.

"Griff, I don't know if I can do it." I sighed. He wrapped his arms around me. We moved to the couch and sat, me leaning to rest my head on his shoulder. "It's just so much. I'm constantly overwhelmed, and there's so much work to do in Frostclaw because of Caelan's terrible leadership. Their poor Beta couple has so much on their plate, and I feel like I'm barely helping. Dallas and Lily are doing so much. They would make a great Alpha couple, and I know that Frostclaw loves them."

"Slow down, love. What brought this on?"

I took a deep breath in. "I'm just so overwhelmed, Griff. I haven't even been to Frostclaw to greet them as their Alpha. The ceremony work is so much, and I don't know if I want to be an Alpha. I just want to be your mate, honey."

He kissed the top of my head and tightened his arms around me. "You'll always be my mate, my one and only, love. I want you forever." He lifted my chin so I could look into his eyes. "I don't want ceremony things to be the reason you don't take the position. There is a royal ceremony that has to happen for you to be officially accepted as Princess Luna, and we've been holding that one off for a long time now."

"I'm not worried about being accepted as Princess Luna, Griff. I know I'm your mate, and I know I'm your Princess, but I don't know if I can be in charge of thousands of people. I feel like I'm pulling my hair out, trying to take care of everyone and everything."

I let out a loud, ugly sob and buried my face in his chest. He held the back of my head gently and rubbed my back with his other hand. "Why don't we go lay down, my love." I nodded but stretched my arms first. Griffin took that as me wanting to be picked up, so he lifted me off the couch and carried me into the room. He gently sat me on the bed and walked to his side. I laid back on top of my blanket, staring at the ceiling.

"I'm just overwhelmed, Griff."

He laid on his side, staring at me. "I'm never going to tell you no to whatever you pick, sweetheart. If you're going to be happier as simply Princess, then just be Princess. If you're going to be happier as AlphaLuna, be AlphaLuna." He pulled my hair out of the bun and grabbed my brush from the nightstand next to the bed. He sat and pulled my head to his lap, brushing my hair gently.

I sighed at the affection. "You take such good care of me, Griff."

"I've always wanted someone to take care of. Being an only child made life really tough, and now I don't have to worry about being alone anymore."

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