17 - Family

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For the first time in the two weeks that I've been on the royal grounds, I woke up before Griffin. I silently made my way to the office, sitting at my desk and picking up my phone. I began dialing Alphas and calling, telling them about the meeting that would happen later today. Every Alpha agreed to attend the meeting, and I was grateful to have that out of the way.

As I began working on the emails that had started to pile up over the previous day's busyness, I heard a noise in the kitchen. I slid in my wheeled chair to the door, where I saw Brennan and Lux moving around the kitchen in a near dance while preparing breakfast.

I slowly shut the office door to give them space and quiet, even though I knew they were sure I was awake. I turned back to the computer and worked on responding to emails, mostly from Frostclaw pack members trying to learn more about me since I hadn't been there yet.

I felt terrible for them. Life was absolutely so hectic that I hadn't been able to visit my own pack. I resolved to go to Frostclaw and see them this afternoon before our Alphas meeting.

I wrote a text to my guards with my plans and sent it to them. I was hoping that Brennan and Lux could officially accept me into the royal family over breakfast so that I would be able to converse through mind link with everyone.

My phone rang, and I quickly answered it, "AlphaLuna Alena speaking."

"Luna, it's Sloane." She seemed out of breath. "Do you have Prince Griffin's permission to cross the border?"

I sighed. "I do, but I don't know for sure if you six do. If I have anything to do with it, I'll be an official member of the royal family, and you'll be allowed."

"Allowed to do what?" Griffin's voice filled the room as he walked in.

I turned toward him, finishing the call. "I'll keep you updated and let you know as soon as possible the plan. Thanks, Sloane." I hung up the call and looked to Griffin, my heart still aching from the night before.

"I'm planning on traveling to Frostclaw around ten before meeting with the Alphas at the training center at 5 PM." I turned back to my computer, typing it into my calendar.

Griffin moved to wrap his arms around me, but the lift of my hand stopped him.

"I know I let you stay in our room last night, but I'm still upset." I frowned, turning to him. "I'm not going to be like one of the girls in the novels who immediately goes back to her mate after a fight because of the bond. I'm hurt deeply, Griffin." His face fell.

"I know you're not going to come running back to me, Alena, but I'm here for you whenever you need me."

I rested my head in my hands. "Please only come to me with information about pack things and situations that concern my people's wellbeing. At least for today, give me space."

He nodded and sat at his desk. "Have you called the Alphas for the meeting?" I nodded and continued typing emails.

Brennan's voice cut through the awkward air of the office, "Breakfast is ready!" I stood, turning my computer screen off, and walked to the dining area, taking my usual seat at the foot of the table. Griffin took his spot at the head, and his parents sat on the side.

The first time they came over for dinner, they had to convince me that just because they were king and queen doesn't mean that they got the head and foot of the table, but that it was reserved for the homeowners.

I smiled at the waffles on my plate and reached for syrup, pouring it slowly, then passing it off. As still highest ranking in my home, I had to eat first, and I quickly took a bite then nodded to the others so they would begin eating as well.

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