5 - Shift

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We finally arrived at the training center. I had managed to avoid this place for many months, but now I had to go in. Alpha Sebastian must have called the Beta to empty the building because there was a large group of people outside milling around. Beta Amelia, our dear Beta and second-in-command, pushed the door open and welcomed us in. I felt somewhat reassured that we would only have the women in the building with me.

"Damir and Sebastian were insistent on there being no males present. They truly do care about you." Alpha Violet spoke as we made our way down the hallway to the arena. Usually, training in the form of sparring took place here, but today would be different. I hadn't been in to spar in almost a year, so I had avoided the room quickly.

I walked into the arena and pointed the Alphas and Beta to the chairs on the outskirts. "I'm going to run for a few laps and warm up my joints. Can you get the shirts laid out and let me know which is which?" I asked generally, and Beta Amelia nodded and took the backpacks. I began to jog around the track, feeling my joints loosen. This was going to be tough, but I knew it needed to be done.

"Black is Alpha Prince Griffin. Green is Alpha Caelan."

I nodded and thanked the Beta before continuing my laps. After four or so laps, it was clear that the Alphas were getting restless. I walked to the middle and knelt to the floor. I pulled the dress off my frame, not wanting to ruin it within the switch.

"Alena, if you need us, let me know," Calliope called, and I nodded to her. I knew I had their support, but this was something that I needed to do on my own.

I closed my eyes and tried to picture my wolf form. Years ago, I would imagine her as tall, slender, and quick, but that image no longer helped. Instead, I pictured her, still her beautiful brown long hair. Her eyes were still the same golden hazel, but her frame was thinner than it used to me. The wolf in my mind was almost sunken into the ground.

I felt my bones begin to pop and rearrange, but I paid them no mind. I was honestly more concerned with the color of my fur. Instead of being a solid brown color, I had developed white spots. Inside my mind, I groaned.

I look like a Guernsey cow.

Except I'm smaller.

A calf. I look like a Guernsey calf.

I finally completed the shift, and I laid on the ground, trying to regain my strength. It took a lot of energy to shift, and I wasn't used to it at all.

I looked up to the alphas who were sitting on the sidelines and whined at them. Finally, Violet stood and walked to me. I nudged her legs with my head, silently willing her to shift so I wasn't alone. I felt so naked.

Damir was the only person I had allowed to see me in my wolf form for a long time because he never made fun of me and how small I am. When I was younger, I was a strong fighter. My height made it so I could attack then retreat quickly. Now, I could barely stand.

But man, my wolf was loud in my head now.

*Alena, you dear idiot, why did you leave me in here all alone for months?*

*I was scared, dear. I wasn't nearly strong enough in my human form to deal with everything, and I knew you wouldn't be strong enough either*

*I was so much stronger than you knew, Alena. You held me in and made me weak.* She bit me with her words. I knew that she was strong when we were young, but I ignored her needs when I tried pushing down my hurt.

She stood and pushed me to the back of my own mind. Any other time, I would have fought her for control, but I needed this time. She yipped at Violet, and I was appalled at her nerve.

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