20 - Visitors

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I woke up, swaddled in Griffin's arms. I looked at the clock on the side of the bed and saw it was already 7:30 AM. I wiggled out of his grip and stretched, sitting on the edge of the bed. A knock at the door brought me out of a daze, and I stood. I opened it slowly and saw Damir standing at the door, holding a gorgeous bouquet of flowers.

"Damir, you shouldn't have." I took the flowers and welcomed him in, pointing him toward the living room. "Please sit while I get some water for these." I carried the flowers to the kitchen and pulled a vase off of the display shelf, filling it with water and then placing the flowers in it. While I was in the kitchen, I pushed the start button on the coffee pot. I put the vase on the breakfast bar then walked to the bedroom door.

"Griff, Damir is here." Griffin rubbed his face and blinked awake. "I'm going to talk to him, and you can stay in bed if you want." He nodded and dropped his head back onto the pillow, making me laugh. I pulled the door shut as his snores filled the room again.

"I'm surprised he's letting me be alone with you." Damir grinned as I sat down in the recliner, waiting for the coffee pot to beep.

I shrugged. "Griff needs his rest, and he knows it." I stretched my arms. "I just woke up, so I'm sorry I don't look my best."

Damir waved a dismissive hand at me. "I'm your big brother, Alena. I've woke you up more than you've woke yourself up over the years." He laughed loudly.

Another knock sounded at the door, then Calliope's voice filled my head, saying, **It's me at the door.**

**Come in!** The door swung open as I stood to walk to the coffee pot. "Good morning, Calliope," I said sleepily. I poured my coffee into my cup and added creamer and sugar.

"Coffee ready?" She asked, joining me in the kitchen.

I nodded, taking a big drink of mine. "Did I tell you that my guards brought me iced coffee one morning?"

"They do know the way to your heart," Calliope said, filling a coffee mug with coffee for herself. She only added sugar, then walked to the living room.

I walked toward the bedroom with a cup of coffee for Griffin. "Entertain yourselves. I'm going to go talk to Griff really quickly." I pushed the bedroom door open and moved to sit on the edge of the bed next to Griffin. I sat the coffee down on the nightstand, and his arms quickly wrapped around me, pulling me close to his body.

"Griff, it's time to wake up." The clock neared 8, and I knew he didn't like sleeping much past then. "I brought you coffee." He pressed his lips to my bare shoulders, making me shiver. "Calliope and Damir are here. I need to go." I stood, but he held his arms around my waist.

"Stay for a bit, love." He grinned, but I pulled from his grasp.

"If you want to see me, I guess you'll have to come to the living room." I smiled playfully and walked out of the room, hearing a loud groan behind me. I pulled the door shut and walked to the couch, taking my usual seat. I lifted my coffee cup from the coffee table and sipped it quietly, listening to Damir and Calliope talk.

"Damir, have you considered coming to my pack to look for your mate?" Calliope asked.

Damir nodded. "I've wanted to tour the packs of Nocleotune multiple times, but I was too worried about leaving Alena at home to deal with Delta duties by herself. Now, I'll have Amelia take over my duties if I decide to go."

"After you get back from traveling with Prince Griffin, you can come to visit and see if she's in my pack." She patted his hand.

Another knock sounded at my door, and I rolled my eyes. "I don't know if it's because of the threat or what, but I've never had so many visitors in one day."

The Value of A Name - One Delta's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now