24 - War

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My chest ached while I tried to focus on the work I had in front of me. I wanted to focus on the training center's budget and make our operation more sustainable, but without Griffin by my side, I didn't know what to do. I listened to Hannah humming as she sat across the room, but I did my best to ignore it, not having the energy to stop her.

If I could have, I would have reached out and asked him for the best option or taken a break to recline in his arms and clear my head. Three weeks without Griffin had my heart nearly breaking. The Iverene Kingdom had declared war on the Nocleotune Kingdom, and Griffin and his parents were leading the packs' warriors in battle.

The Iverene's were old and jealous. They had reached their 40th anniversary and 60th birthdays without children and decided that our Kingdom, with its many young Alphas, needed to feel the wrath of aching old people.

I had laughed when Griffin told me that situation, and it took him a few minutes to convince me he was serious. Their Kingdom bordered Finn's and Silas' packs, and Griffin and a large group of warriors were heading that way, followed by his parents and the rest of the warriors a few days later.

Hannah, Silas's pregnant mate, came to stay with me while the war was raging, and while I was grateful for her presence, it was hard to focus on work with her incessant humming.

"Have you heard anything from Silas?" I asked Hannah, dropping my pen onto the paper before me.

Hannah shook her head and responded, "No, Luna."

I didn't sleep much without Griffin to share our bed. The quiet that filled our room was deafening, and I even started to miss Griffin's snoring. He was only able to call for a few minutes at a time to make sure that he wouldn't be tracked or followed to a specific location through the phone. The calls usually happened near 7 AM, when Griffin believed that I was waking up. I sat in our office for hours and stared at paperwork until his call, where I got to talk and listen and tell him about everything happening at home. He often gave reports of how many were fallen, and my heart ached at the fact that we were losing members of our Kingdom.

After his call, I would make my coffee and go to the office at the training center. I finally had finished organizing our office and ordered the potted plants for the windowsills, and I anticipated the office being finished before Griffin returned home.

When I arrived at the office, I saw Sloane standing outside of the office doors, and she pushed one open for me to enter. I settled into my chair and began working on another thing that had landed on my desk, needing approval.

"Sloane!" I yelled, and my guard stepped into the room. "Have you heard any updates?"

"Nothing, my Princess," She replied and stepped back to her spot outside my door.

I groaned. I was supposed to be married in a month, and my fiance and future in-laws were off fighting a pointless war. I mind-linked Regan and asked her to come to my office.

"Yes, your grace?"

I smiled at her and motioned for her to sit. "Regan, I trust you a lot. You're one of my most trusted guards of them all. Why is everyone so prim and proper with me today? They are all using my title or a respectful name."

"It is said that the Elders are planning to make an appearance today, Princess Alena. We want to make sure everyone is on their best behavior."

Our eyes simultaneously clouded over as a call from Atticus came into our heads, letting us know that the Elders were on their way into the training center. I stood and walked to the hidden closet, swapping my shirt from a hoodie to a white button-up long-sleeved shirt.

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