Chapter 4: New Fiance P.2

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*this is in Ceil's point of view!*

"Your Highness, are you ready?" My personal Butler Xin appeared after I had finished the paperwork stacked on my desk. A normal child of the royal family would not be completing diplomatic documents at the age of seven, but I was not within the range of 'normal'. I never have been.

"Yes, let's go" My voice was clipped, but I did not need to put on pretenses in front of Xin. I quickly placed a smile on my face before following him and the escort knights out.

"Humans are strange... to commit so young to another" Ceil turned towards his fairy contract, Nathaniel. A unique fairy, in control of Lightning, Fire, and Ice. He was an elder fairy, alive before even the treaty in Frare was established.

"It's for the sake of the country and relations" Ceil explained,
"She is from a Dukedom that has served the crown since its founding, and is known for their accomplishments towards the economy and military of the kingdom. Please be on your best behavior" Ceil stated cooly.

"Is she cute? How old is she?" Nathaniel asked curiously, floating around Ceil in his wolf form. A large fiery red and gold wolf was circling around the small child's head as they walked towards the carriage. Only Ceil was able to see Nathaniel's presence.

"Her appearances do not matter, and she is six years old" Ceil said, ignoring the curious look of Xin who could only assume who Ceil was speaking to.

"Marrying someone you don't love. Humans are strange..." Nathaniel trailed off before becoming silent once more at the sharp look Ceil directed at him. Nathaniel wondered why he ever chose this child sometimes...

"Your Highness" Xin said calmly, opening the  door with the Royal family's crest present on both sides of the luxury carriage for Ceil. Ceil wordlessly got in before they left towards the Vermillion mansion.

As they traveled, the large marble Castle slowly drifted out of sight as they headed through the capital. Beautiful flowers lined the streets as the market place was busy with work and customers, filled with people. The healthy economy present before even Ceil was born due to good management and faithful lords towards the current King, Ceil's father. In the future, Ceil himself would need trusted aides and the ability to build faith in his people and within the Nobility. A wife from the Vermillion Dukedom would secure nearly half of the kingdom's loyalty due to the strong ties made through Duke Vermillion with the Military and Trade of Frare.
Ceil mused whether he should believe the rumors of the first daughter of the Vermillion household. That she was a prodigy, walking and talking before any normal child, and suddenly becoming well known due to her research in herbs and medicine. She created a cheaper and easier method for cold medicine, selling it to commoners and boosting moral within her fief and slowly within the neighboring territories.
Then there were rumors that she also recently recovered within the last year from a severe fall down her family mansions main stairway- this created negative gossip that the Vermillion heiress was stupid and ungraceful.
Some rumors claimed she was a kind and intelligent child, beautiful with mixed combinations of both parents.
Others said she was bratty and spoiled, abusing her power through her family's love.

Ceil could care less for any of these. He simply needed a mantle which could bare him heirs in the future and support the kingdom. He already knew this was a political marriage, and saw no need to become closer or more distant than necessary from Lady Rosalia. He was only here for means of custom as a fiancé.

In fact, he could care less about anything... nothing interested him anymore. Not even his fairy Nathaniel could keep his curiosity piqued for long due to the quickness of which he mastered his magic to aid the people. Though Nathaniel was thorough and gracious, which Ceil found calming.
He simply hoped this would pass normally and without incident.

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